CANADA-another ELDER PEDO 9-18-07

by DannyHaszard 52 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • skeeter1

    The article said that the teenage girl "willingly" had sex with this creep!

    Under the law in most states, a teenaged 14 year old in not allowed to "willingly" have sex with an adult. "Statutory Rape" is sex with a child by an adult. Under the law, it does not matter if the teenager wanted the sex, or even if the teenager pretended to be older. It's a crime, and it does not look at the "intent" of the victim or the mind set of the rapist. The accused rapist can only claim the defense that "she was willing", if the victim was of age (i.e. 18 or older).

    I even know of one case where the teenager used a fake ID, was drinking in an "21 & over" bar, and went home with an adult man. He had sex with the girl, her parents were ticked, and the District Attorney pressed charged for statutory rape. His defense of being "duped" by the girl about her age was NO DEFENSE. He was convicted.

    Here, the elder KNEW the girl was underage. Then, he tries to get out of it by saying she was "willing". That may work in an elder meeting, which is biased towards men...but in a real court of law...he's righfully convicted....CREEP.


  • sweetstuff

    Under the law in most states, a teenaged 14 year old in not allowed to "willingly" have sex with an adult. "Statutory Rape" is sex with a child by an adult. Under the law, it does not matter if the teenager wanted the sex, or even if the teenager pretended to be older. It's a crime, and it does not look at the "intent" of the victim or the mind set of the rapist. The accused rapist can only claim the defense that "she was willing", if the victim was of age (i.e. 18 or older).

    It's no different in Canada, he is a pedophile according the law here. She was a minor child, end of story. I hope the SOB gets what he deserves.

  • skeeter1

    Let's say.....a few years ago an elder meeting was called when this terrible incident came to light. The elders "backed him up" by telling the parents & girl not to go to the authorities. The elder's downplayed the incident by turning the girl into a harlot (the "girl wanted it"). Now, the girl is a woman, and decides she can not conceal the crime. She goes to the authorities. The WT attorneys counsel the rapist to say that the WT had nothing to do with his crimes. This elder does not want to bring down Jehovah. This elder might not know of the other court cases where the WT "protected" pedophiles, while the WT silently paid out $$$$$. It's a good old pedophile boy club. Jehovah's happy, WT attorneys are happy, and the rapist is happy (he's on Jehovah's good side for not bringing reproach on Jehovah).

    Yet, the elder does not realize that the WT is cunningly leaving him out to dry, alone. The WT could be just as at fault as this creep. While this creep gets his just jail time, the WT smells nice & clean, as my momma's laundry hanging in the sunshine.


  • Scully
    Does this mean that under local law he had a valid defence if the child supposedly consented?

    While the age of consent is 14 in Canada, there are still very strict stipulations that restrict an older person from abusing the trust of a younger person.

    For instance, there has to be a maximum 3 year age difference between the partners. There can be no influential or fiduciary relationship between them (ie, church elder with congregant, or teacher with student).

    I'm glad he entered a guilty plea and spared the family further grief. I imagine he has not been deleted as an elder though.

  • sweetstuff

    Section 153 now prohibits "sexual interference" or "invitation to sexual touching," in respect of a young person over 14 but under 18, where the accused is in a relationship of trust or authority towards the complainant or the complainant is in a relationship of dependency with the accused. Previous sexual experience and/or consent are no longer relevant where this special relationship exists. The maximum available penalty is five years’ imprisonment for those prosecuted by way of indictment.

    Five years?????WTF to be Canadian at the moment.

  • mcsemike

    It will end when the Watchtower is destroyed and all the JW's who support its policies are dead.

  • candidlynuts

    Tuesday, after unsuccessful motions by the defence, the jury was just settling in to hear the evidence.Then Willick dropped the bombshell - pleading guilty

    its important to note that he didnt plead guilty till his defense motions failed. he plead NOT GUILTY till then. so which time was he lying? i have my opinion. sicko

  • Ab&Sarah

    Apparently he is df'd . He has been involved with other women . The elders were told not to go near the court case by canadian bethel . They knew about this case for some time and hid it . He will apparently get 3-5 , and maybe more after the impact statment . The elders and bethel should get more for hiding it .

  • Mystery

    I would really like a copy of this Awake. I live in Alabama. If someone could mail me a copy i would appreciate it. Please PM me and i will send you my address.

    Thank you.

  • flipper

    Let's see, this creepozoid molester's attorney said," this had nothing to do with him being an elder in the church ". Wow! That statement takes a lot of brains! Not! Where did this elder meet this girl? At the local golf country club? The supermarket? No, it was in the Jehovah's Witnesses church in which he was entrusted with a position of power and control, which by the way he used to his perverted advantage. Now, that young girl will have to live with the scars of abuse like so many other young witness victims of molestation, many of whom were molested by people who abused their positions of power over other people. I agree with the poster who said this will only end when the watchtower society is destroyed or done away with, whichever comes first

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