What's running through the grapevine

by forsharry 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • forsharry

    So I was talking with an girlfriend that I had (actually the only friend I had in 'the truth'). We have recently reconnected, and she's still on the fence as to whether or not to go back into the org. However, her aunt, an elder's wife and all-around snot rocket, let her know what was going on in the truth (I'm guessing to get her to come back full-time cause 'look at all that's happening, and it's the end!' - which reminds me of early 90s, personally. This is what she wrote me (I know some of it has already been discussed on this board...but the sending home of the B-lites is a new one to me.) anyway...enjoy! :)

    Muffy* was telling me recently that they have recently made almost half of the population of Bethel go home and spend as much time as possible in the preaching work...thats it...they are only letting people stay on a need basis. Starting next year they are going to only print one Awake a month and two Watchtowers - one for the public and one only for JW's. Also, they have upped their rescue efforts and set up HUB's especially in the gulf coast and people from all over have come down and rebuilt houses and set up new congregations... Muffy is saying that they are preparing for Armageddon by orgainizing this relief work because Armageddon will be the biggest natural disaster ever! I don't know...maybe its all a scare tactic.

    *The name has been changed...cause I felt like it. ;)

    anyway...my response was rather a massive thing. Hope I don't scare her. :/

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    My Elder brother in law and wife down sized their business bought a motor home and traveled down to New Orleans to help in reconstruction work .Another couple sold their home and bought a motor home and went down too. Before we faded they were both so gunho that this is the end .

    Just recently my neice told me both families have come back. The one couple went back home to buy another home and set down roots again .My brother in law is re-establishing his business big time increasing employees ect...He told one of his workers their job was stable because he was never going to go all out like that again .Only volunteering close by and for much shorter times (like a week or so ) .

    Since I am no longer am in the link anymore I don't know what the rest of the story is ,but sounds like both families got a taste of realism .

  • bigdreaux
    Also, they have upped their rescue efforts and set up HUB's especially in the gulf coast and people from all over have come down and rebuilt houses and set up new congregations... Muffy is saying that they are preparing for Armageddon by orgainizing this relief work because Armageddon will be the biggest natural disaster ever! I don't know...maybe its all a scare tactic.

    why re-build all that? if the end is so close, why are they building kingdom halls? shouldn't they be out saving lives?

  • megsmomma

    Yes.....why not plan to meet in the rich elders home in case armegeddon comes......Sheesh...these people don't think!

  • greendawn

    I am surprised that the armageddon conscience is so strong in them 12 years after the FDS admitted that it was now possible that it could take centuries to appear. They can't get over the idea that it is not necessarily very near in the future.

  • forsharry

    I was surprised as well to see that 'spirit' still so strong with them as well. That's why I wanted to post it...again I'm not sure if it's just this woman's take on what's being told to them from the podium or whether it's a more far-reaching message that's spreading in the congregations.

  • deaconbluez

    Yep, just like folks didn't need to plant crops in the spring of 1925 because the end of the world would be here before they would need to be harvested.

    And just like folks didn't start families in the early 70's or go to college, because the end would be here by 1975.

    Deuteronomy 18:20-22 tells us how to view that...

  • JeffT
    'look at all that's happening, and it's the end!' - which reminds me of early 90s, personally.

    What century?

  • forsharry

    early 90's ....as in 1990s.

    We were so close! 1994 I remember striking a particularly strong chord in me. We just KNEW that armegeddon was coming anytime! I was TERRIFIED!

    I never understood that...that's something that always bothered me to when I was in...this joyous anticipation for the complete destruction of humanity as we know it. but you all know as well as I, since you all are now looking at life from both sides of the coin that most of the people we interact with are wholesome, good, loving people that just want happiness for themselves and those around them. How can anyone be excited about the 'potential' destruction of all these people? We say "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." When we read or witness some kind of atrocity that one can inflict upon another...how can we say "Yeah God! Kill em all!" when we're disgusted by comparison a very minute act of one person hurting another? I never looked forward to Armegedon. I was terrified...absolutely terrified of the potentiality of it.

    when I read what Muffy* was saying, it set my teeth on edge all over again.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    'look at all that's happening, and it's the end!' - which reminds me of early 90s, personally.
    What century?

    yeah, I was thinking that.... it could just have easily be the 1890's as the 1990's...SSDC... (same $hit, different century) Snakes ()

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