Is there anyone able to covertly provide publications from KH libraries?

by seatrout 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Even when I was a JW and regularly attending it was hard to get one!


  • seatrout

    It's amazing what you can get on the internet isn't it?

    It's no wonder the WT hate cyberspace.

    Since I prefer geniune literature to web bootlegging I think I'll give London a bell and ask them to prod the KH I wrote to. Hopefully then they'll give me a book copy of Daniel's Prophecy.

    As for the CD I don't want to force myself to go to the nearest Kingdom's 66 miles away in Inverness! That leaves me with getting a copy off the internet and burning it to a blank CD... far better!!!

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    You apparently are not familiar with how the JWs operate. By writing to a congregation requesting a copy of the CD you have pretty much 'outed' yourself to them as someone they will be very leery of. They will definitely not send you a copy of the CD, and they certainly will not give you a copy of it if you show up on their doorstep. You will be very lucky to get even a copy of the "Daniel" book out of them.

    Besides, there is not that much of interest in the Daniel book. Like all their more recent publications, the material is extremely dumbed down. Doctrinal points are simply stated dogmatically, with nothing really provided to even attempt to support them.

    Anyways, there is mountains of evidence available to show just how messed up their chronology is. I get the impression from your post that you believe that most JWs are simply unaware of this, and that by clearly showing them the errors in JW doctrine, you will open their eyes. While your intentions are great, the truth is, anyone in 2007 who is still a JW, its not that they can't see, but they refuse to look.

    No Apologies

  • JCanon

    Things are gonna get worse! From now own one of the Watchtowers is going to be a focus for witnesses only, and the other is for the public. That will make it even more difficult to keep tabs on what they are teaching and puts the witnesses clearly in the mindset that they are special and secretive and are not to go outside the WTS for any information. They were warned at the last assembly about the anti-witness sites as well and warned about the net, so, keeping the members as controlled and dumb as possible is Freemasonry rule 101.

    Ironically, as much as some of the XJWs complain about the witnesses not being open minded and trying to draw them out to defend their position, if you don't agree with Olof Jonsson who sort of has a cult following among many of the XJWs then they will ostracize you as well and ban you from discussing certain things that the board moderators don't agree with. Very few boards, therefore, are just completely open to discuss things and exchange ideas with the members. If you go go too far off or are too critical then you are sort of ignored and "disfellowshipped" even by them. It's like the XJW group is divided up into those that still believe the Bible and those moving toward a more academic approach of the Bible, questioning its inspiration, its absolute history, but still considering it a good book of high morals, etc.

    But its sad that a bad policy is now going to get worse. But perhaps that's a compliment to how effective the XJW groups are at exposing some of the false teachings of the WTS.


  • wherehasmyhairgone

    First post here, so hi to everyone. I have the watchtower CD (2004) disc , which i am quite happy to make available for everyone, i am just not sure how to? For those who use newsgroup you can find it posted with a search I have no idea how to use the bit torrent thing. Its about 300mb ( i split it into 50mb .rar chunks) so if anyone can suggest a way for me to make this available I will do so. Steve

  • seatrout

    Hi All,

    many, many thanks for replying everyone. However, I've been having problems downloading from the websites that have been linked with the replies. I don't have the computer privelages at work to download the software needed to make the downloads and there's also a problem with my set-up at home, which I can't do anything about (my landlady won't allow me to give her ip address to to rectify the situation becuase she regards it as a security risk).

    One or two of you have offered to burn it to a CD and send it to me (I sent my request but have not had any replies so far). This is the only way I can get hold of a Watchtower 2005/06 CD.

    Can someone please burn this CD and send it to me???? HELP!!!


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