Tammy Faye Messner Died.

by El Kabong 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • lost_soul

    God rest her soul, thankfully her suffering is over....

  • johnny cip
  • esw1966


    I just got done watching the youtube/larry king interview.

    It sure is easy to make fun of Tammy. But seeing that interview, really showed who she was as a person. She had a lot of heart. She was a strong woman. She loved her God.

    All faults aside, her heart was in the right place. My mother passed away from cancer and it is a painful death. I'm impressed with her strength and convictions.

    May she find all she was looking for!

  • purplesofa

    I really did not know much about Tammy Faye since the early PTL days. But after hearing more about her life, I have a deep respect for her.

    Too bad we dont hear more about women like her, over women like Anna Nicole.

    Maybe its hard to accept that someone really could be as a bit strange as Tammy Faye, and be so genuinley loving.

    I started to feel bad about my Maybelline comment, but it was in fun actually and I think she would laugh at herself about it as well.

    I also wondered about the comments from men on this thread, saying such nice things about her....and doesnt every man want a woman that stands by their side? hugely supports her husband as she did?


  • undercover

    I guess I'm in the minority...

    While I don't rejoice in anyone having to suffer the pain of cancer...I will not mourn her passing or have kind words for her.

    She was a con artist. She and Bakker bilked millions out of people...in the name of God even. But she was a better con artist than Jim Bakker even. She got off pretty clean, married the contractor that built Heritage USA and continued in her con artist ways. She was such a good con artist that she conned herself into believing her own bullshit. And in her final days she conned people into feeling sorry for her.

  • LongHairGal

    Very sad.

    They showed a picture of her as a girl and she was pretty. I wondered why she came to wear all that excessive black around her eyes. I am sure she would have looked better without it. False eyelashes could have given a glamorous look without the black goopy effect. Too bad she never went for one of those before and after makeovers. You can still be wearing a 'lot' of makeup but the colors would be more flattering.


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