Did You EVER Enjoy Going To Meetings Or Out In Service?

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • sandy

    I looked forward to the meetings and field service for the social aspect of it as well. Once I started making friends on the "Outside" the meetings and F/S was quite a burden.

  • minimus

    Seems not many loved the service and meetings for their main purpose. Just socializing.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I did look forward to the conventions, especially when I was younger. The only thing I liked about the meetings was lunch or get-togethers afterwards. There was absolutely nothing I enjoyed about the ministry. Even now, the thought of going to one more door makes me cringe. I had to take a second job delivering pizzas, and every time I knock or ring the doorbell I get chills up and down my spine. I get flashbacks similar to what Vietnam vets experience. lol

  • TheCoolerKing

    Did You EVER Enjoy Going To Meetings Or Out In Service?

    Nope, no, nadda!!!

    Can you say Boring??!!! And looking back now, it seems like such a total waste of time too. We could have spent that valuable time socializing with our worldly relatives or doing real charity work for the sick or elderly.


  • Backed away
    Backed away

    Of course I did, being raised in, it was all I knew, all my friends and family were there and we had really (as hard as it is to believe ) great people both in personality and speakers. Good territory with nice neighbors. But... a lie is a lie and I had to give up what was my entire world for what was right.

    I was shunned,lost my family and friends but the experience prior wasn't that bad, I must be a exception.


  • Backed away
    Backed away
    Seems not many loved the service and meetings for their main purpose. Just socializing

    Sorry Min,

    I bet a poll taken of many (children mainly ) who are dragged to church feel that way, regardless of the faith.


  • katbird_27

    Call me weird, but meetings were good. I liked the ministry school/service meeting most. Service I hated. I auxiriry poineered one month and as soon as I got my 60 hours I was the sickest I had been and for 15 years after. I also liked the conventions and assemblies too. I did't have friends so you can't say it was the social aspects. I am weird and liked the LEARNING of it.

  • shopaholic

    Yes, I loved both. I was very zealous regular pioneer (not the judgemental kind but the cool kind that everyone wants to work with) for about 11 years until I started my fade in Oct 2006. I prepared for all the meetings and was ready to give a substitute talk or demonstration in a moments notice. I do miss the ministry but I've found better ways to help people.

  • snowbird
    Call me weird, but meetings were good.
    I am weird and liked the LEARNING of it

    kat_bird27, WELCOME! If you are weird for liking the meetings and learning about the organization and the Bible, then I am too. I l-o-v-e-d the meetings and FS - at first. Later, it got to be a chore as the WTS completely pushed Jesus aside and focused on themselves as the object of our devotion.

    THAT was a real turn-off.


    I didn't mean to put those two cups of tea in my post. Sorry.

  • restrangled

    Never, not for one minute of my entire life. I had the dreaded stomach aches the entire day before every meeting, and every day in service for as long as I can remember.......... a nice lifetime of ulcer development.


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