
by PEC 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mimimimi

    I understood that an apostate in the eyes of the J-dubs is someone who was a baptized, card-carrying J-Dub who now no longer believes their teachings. My sister said that the Revelation book says that they must also be preaching or talking against the J-dubs to be an apostate.

    My nephew decided in his teens that he did not want to go to the KH any more and was never baptized. He got involved for a while with the Wiccan group his father was part of, but eventually left that also. He is 22 years old now and has a wife and 2 year old son. He does not make enough money for them to live on their own (never went to college or technical school because my sister discouraged any of her kids from getting higher education due to the WT dictates), so they live in my sister's house. The elders in her congregation told her that my nephew is an apostate and that she needed to make him and his family move out. What the F....???? ............and do what? live in the street with a 2 year old child. I told my sister he does not meet the definition of an apostate and she agrees with that.

    It amazes me that I stayed with the idiocy as long as I did when I look at all the unkind, unloving things they either do or try to perpetrate on other people.

  • PEC

    California license plate APSTATE, if anyone wants is. APOSTAT is taken.


  • reneeisorym

    California license plate APSTATE, if anyone wants is. APOSTAT is taken.

    Perhaps I should get an "EXJW" tag next time its due... LOL

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