As a JW, did you ever stand for the national anthem ...

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • zeroday
    It comes as a complete surprise to read that so many of you did!

    When I sat at that hocky game for the anthem and saw this hypocritical elder plan this all out so he wouldn't be caught sitting it make me want to puke. He had it all planned out. Thinking, "If I'm already standing when the anthem begins I don't compromise my beliefs and still look good in the eyes of my father in law". And how many witnesses were beat, raped and killed in Malawi in the 70's because they would not purchase a worthless 25 cent party card...

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    All Along The Watchtower,

    Were you in the Worldwide Church of God? Sorry, I don't know your history and I was trying to figure out what WCG stood for. I have heard it was pretty abusive too.


    That elder was very hypocritical. I found that adults managed to escape any situation like the pledge or national anthem, but expected little kids to actually stand out as unpatriotic and suffer the consequences daily in school. The first time I actually sat for the anthem, I had people glaring at me. I felt very uncomfortable. I was with the CO's wife at the time .

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I was never taught to remain seated. In fact, I was taught to stand to show respect for peoples' beliefs, and even to remove my hat. However, we were not to place our hand over our heart. All the witnesses I was around were the same way. Keeping hands to the side showed that we weren't taking part.

  • theMartian

    Even if I, too, left the Brotherhood- I would NEVER pledge my alligence to a FLAG!

    Much less, any of these corrupt human governments!

    It just shows that God's Kingdom is not REAL to you.



  • grey matters
    grey matters

    The way I understood it growing up, it was "WTS legal" to stand during the flag salute at school as long as you didn't actually say the flag salute. It was respectful to stand, but over the line to say the pledge.

    At sporting events, when the anthem was played, you weren't being asked to say or sing anything, just to stand. So you were obligated by the WTS to act like an a-hole and sit through the whole thing. I remember growing up that we did that as a family at a number of sporting events. Then we seemed to evolve to the "go buy a hot dog" act.

    At the start of my fade, I remember being at a hockey game where an American team was playing a Canadian team. Everyone in the arena stood for the Canadian anthem. It didn't mean they were worshiping Canada, or that everyone was Canadian now. It was a simple display of respect. After that, I always stood. I was spotted by witnesses once, and got counseled for it. The next game, I had the same seat, and I stood again. Of course, by then I just didn't care anymore.

  • zeroday
    Even if I, too, left the Brotherhood- I would NEVER pledge my alligence to a FLAG!

    And how does it make you feel "the Martin" when you see gross hypocity as I mentioned above. I was expected to remain seated (which I did) during the anthem while this Elder did not see a need to TAKE A STAND and sit down when the anthem started?????

  • Gopher

    I tried to avoid the national anthem too, it was just embarrassing to sit there and have people look at you funny.

    Even if I, too, left the Brotherhood- I would NEVER pledge my alligence to a FLAG!

    To leave the organization and adjust to life on the outside requres quite a broadening of one's perspective. After a while, you start to discern that certain things branded as "bad" and "idolatrous" by self-appointed spiritual leaders actually are harmless. So maybe "NEVER" is too strong.

    Much less, any of these corrupt human governments!

    It's that terrible American corrupt government that established the environment of freedom that allowed for the establishment of unorthodox religious movements, including the very one to which you belong. And that freedom has been upheld in the Supreme Court. And many other governments have seen fit to allow wide freedom of religion, similar to the American model. So be careful about criticizing governments so broadly. Many have fostered freedom of religion.

    It just shows that God's Kingdom is not REAL to you.

    That is a Watchtower-ism. Love of one's country is not necessarily incompatible with love of the God of your choice.

  • Es

    I did out of respect, this was questioned by the elders and thats exactly what I said "Out of respect I stood for the anthem" I never sang it.


  • gymbob

    We always sat....

    I remember one time on vacation in Arizona back in the 60's, my family and I were watching a parade, when the American flag went by and the band was playing the national anthem EVERYBODY took off their hats except my dad! I thought we were going to be killed!

    Standing for the national anthen is something I am now proud to's kind of ironic, but for the last few years now i've been doing alot of sports announcing, and i'm now the guy who asks the fans to "Please stand and remove your hats for the playing of OUR national anthem" !! Gymbob

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    It just shows that God's Kingdom is not REAL to you.

    Even the chimp in the photo is having trouble digesting that one.

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