Excited to Attend D. C. Next Weekend

by Cold Creek Swimmer 19 Replies latest social humour

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer

    Good Morning Friends,

    I just wanted to share with all of you the joy I am experiencing knowing that I will be attending the long awaited D.C, next week. What a wonderful experience it will be to be able to sit with all of the loving and faithul delegates at this convention. How grateful we all are to be sharing in this spiritual feast for 3 whole days. The extreme temperatures inside and outside of the arena in the Tri-Cities will be as a breath of fresh air when combined with the loving, spiritual guidance being dispensed at the proper time. Oh the joy and serenity that will overcome us as we sit and endure these extremes knowing that God will bless us for our efforts.

    It is a definite comfort to know that if we pass out from the heat, there are loving attendants who will be more than happy to help us back to our seats, and stop traffic for us after the sessions so we are not inconvenienced on the way to our cars. What a loving arrangement to have Brothers who doubly qualified to count and direct traffic. Some of these faithful ones are even able to sit at the Lost and Found desk, or any other of the various desks at the convention site. We can definitely see God's loving direction in being able to appoint such ingenious multi-taskers as these Spiritual Guidance Counselors.

    We can also take comfort in the fact that after the convention is over and we return home to find we have been evicted for non payment of rent, this is just a small hurdle on the road to life. The excessive amount of money we spent on travel and lodging and food while at the convention is a small price to pay in exchange for the wonderful counsel and direction we were able to swallow. If, also, we have lost our job by going to the convention, we again can look at this as a blessing because we know we have been persecuted in the name of god. We didn't need that job anyway, there will always be other Mcdonalds we can work at to support our wife and 5 children. Fortunately, some of us even have a big van to live in down by the river until we can save enough money to get back into the section 8 housing. This of course brings another blessing to us. If the D.C. was held in the winter time, we couldn't let the kids play in the river after the assembly! How wonderful! We lose our home only to be able to camp out by the river for weeks on end! What a wonderful organization to be able to provide us with this grand opportunity!

    Well, it is time for me to say goodby. I have enjoyed sharing with all of you my heartfelt emotions about going to the convention next week. I only hope all of you get to share in this loving spiritual smorgasborg brought to us by God's earthly "Counterpart", the Faithful and Discrete Slave. My goodness I am suddenly exhausted-this Kool-aid has wiped me out.


  • dedpoet

    Enjoy yourself CCS, and don't forget to count up the number of adults (16 or over)
    who are baptised. It shouldn't take much effort to do that, if any at all.

  • ButtLight

    How much of that kool aid did you drink?

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer

    Just half a dixie cup, Buttlight. Is that aaaa pr..obl...e........m?

  • ButtLight
    Just half a dixie cup, Buttlight. Is that aaaa pr..obl...e........m?

    Yes, Its not near enough!

  • juni

    Have a wonderful time ColdCreek!

    Be sure to brink a long extra tp! You know it is rationed, right?


  • JeffT

    If you run into anybody from Pullman tell them Jeff Thomas says hi. Feel free to mention that I regrew my beard in 1988 and that we really love the church we attend.

    I don't miss the DC's at all, especially the ones in 150 degree auditoriums. But I did like a lot of the friends I had there.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    aqnyone that calls sitting for 3 days eating wt manure a spritual feast. needs a brain scan but thats freedom of religion to believe any crap force fed to you. some people like to eat poison. kind of like a crack attic. can't wait for more junk that makes them feel good.

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer

    Johnny cip,

    Did you notice the subject this is listed under?

    Jeff, I don't know anyone from Pullman. I myself have a goatee and am just going for my wife-to help with family. The dread I feel having to go to this thing is killing me. I believe it is called Hell. Can't wait for people who know me to comment on my facial hair.



    Cold Creek Swimmer..Funny post,I like it..You forgot to mention the loaf of bread that falls off the bread truck.As starving JW familys are driving down the highway.....Theres always a starving JW family and a loaf of bread that falls off the bread truck.....No WBT$ Convention is complete with out that story..LOL!!...OUTLAW

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