I am going to TRY and leave JWD for the time being!

by AK - Jeff 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sunspot

    I am deeply sorry that you feel you have to do this.......although I do understand WHY....

    It is more than a pity that another screwed up nutso fanatic JW is at the bottom of messing with another persons life. They sure have a knack for bizarre behavior, well-trained by their WTS cult masters. It is hard to remember why the think that THEY are the only true religion on earth!

    I will miss your posts....

    love & hugs always,


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Jeff, Hurry back, If I were you, I would be packing some "heat". The "Go ahead, Make my DAY", kind of heat.

    God Bless America!! How many other countries, can you sit through a few hours of classes, and then have the right to pack a side arm.

  • Hortensia

    your experience does sound like stalking - I think you are right to be concerned. If you know or think you know who it is, you might let that person know you really will go to the police. I hope it all resolves without any escalation.

  • Es

    All the best Jeff, thats terrible what this person is doing they should really get a life. I bet its unnerving I would hate it.

    Email me


  • Purza

    Well wishes to you Jeff.


  • hillary_step


    You are dealing with an acne infested kid with stained Britney Spears posters on his wall, a JW elder with a complexion like mashed potatoes, or a delusional XJW of which there are too many sub-species to catalogue.

    Whatever, or whomever it might be, it is hardly worth worrying about.


  • emptywords

    All the best, especially with looking after you're family concerns, which is something JW's neglect.


  • 5go

    Are you Dfed or fading if you are fading this guy ain't got s**t in order to give you up to a JC he has got some explaining to do first.

  • nicolaou

    Do what you have to Jeff, your peace of mind is important. Everything else aside, a decent break can be very refreshing, as you know I've only just returned here after 18 weeks away. I'd recommend it to anyone, it's good to 'ground' yourself and re-evaluate what you're looking for.

    It's also nice to come back.

  • BizzyBee

    In a world of advocates, you stand out. So what you have to do, Jeff, but know that you need to be back here soonest.

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