What kind of changes would you make if you were the President of the WTS.

by Brain Dead 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • icyestrm

    Launch a formal investigation of the GB, freeze their bank accounts and throw them in jail to rot for 200 years. Going to heaven, hell no! They rot in the ground for all the injustice they done to us and those still trapped in the borg. Tell the drones that field service is no longer a priority and that meetings will be reduced to 1 hour each Sunday afternoon. That will not interfere with children's school schedules and adults who work long days on the weekdays.

  • nvrgnbk
    learned half of a new word now?....think about it

    You kill me dude!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I hope I am the first to say this-

    I would shut the entire operation down, and divide the real estate profits among the members somehow.

  • rebel8

    1. Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the entire history and present of the organization, and sing it loud, preferably on the international media. Take out full page ads in every major newspaper around the world telling the truth too.

    2. Turn over all assets to victims of the policies about blood, shunning, physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, after paying college tuition for every commune resident, and pensions for retired commune residents.

    3. Turn wt farm into a charity to feed the hungry.

    4. Turn all hq and branch offices into charitable organizations and khs into social clubs, after installing flagpoles and decorations for the holiday du jour.

    5. Cancel all rules.

    6. Demote all persons holding any sort of title.

    7. Visit the Vatican and say you're sorry too.

  • nvrgnbk
    1. Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth

    Hey! That's what I said.................kinda.

  • stillajwexelder

    1) Make a heartfelt apology published worldwide in the WT magazine for all the harm etc they have done

    2) Never, ever mention Chronology again

    3) The word Judicial would be no longer in the vocabulary

    4) Dont go beyond what is written in the bible

    5) A CO/DO would no longer be able to over-ride the wishes of a body of elders

    6) Absolutely totally recommend wherever possible that the friends go to college

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    I'm taking notes good, good keep them coming, remember Saturday I'm taking over so I need all the advice I can get

    Those old cronies better hide when Homer comes to town......aw President Homer, I get goose bumps just thinking about it !

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I would issue this declaration;

    In the past, this religious institution known variously as Jehovah's Witnesses, International Bible Students, and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, has made tremendous error. For that error, in chronology, in doctrine, in misdirected fervor, an apology is required.
    We have misrepresented Christ Jesus, calling him the Archangel Michael, misapropiating his divinity, misquoting his intention toward this earth and mankind. We had dishonored him in our style of worship, putting the WTBTS ahead of Jesus, refusing to partake or allow others to partake of the communion of the Lord as he commanded. We have misquoted him, and attempted to change his parables to prophecy, and put words into his mouth in condemnation of his followers who did not identify themselves as part of our religion.
    Nearly every key doctrine of our faith has been manipulated to direct worship to men instead of God. We have mistranslated the Bible, misapplied the Bible, and misused the Bible to further the interest of our organization. We have been guilty of shedding man's innocent blood through our policies regarding the use of blood, organ transplants, and creating our brothers as a target of persecution.
    So, we hereby disband the organization known worldwide as Jehovah's Witnesses. We suggest that those who continue to wish to serve God find Christ brothers where they can be found - in churches, on the beach, in their homes, and join them in heartfelt praise to the Lord of the Bible, Jesus.
    With this declaration, we disown any portion of property in the hands of local congregations, We suggest that such properties be converted to churches used to honor God and Christ, or to be sold and the monies presented to charities that benifit the local communities. We will be selling all properties that are listed under the corportate banners that we own, and posting the money to charity.
    The Watchower Bible and Tract Society and Jehovah's Witnesses, are no longer in existence. May God bless you all.
  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Man Jeff thats honest no wonder you made a lousy JW

  • betterdaze

    President Homer, would you consider opening bier gardens at this summer's District Conventions?

    It would make the spiritual "food" go down a little easier. And the proceeds could be used to fund real charities, like soup kitchens and homeless shelters.


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