Does God REALLY exist? (An Attempt at an Online Bible Study)

by theMartian 121 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • davegod

    How do you quote on this site?!

  • BizzyBee


    Select the text then go to the white balloon with the ' ' inside it up there next to the happy face.

    Yer welcome.

  • AlanF

    davegod, you can quote by pasting the text in the text window, then select it so it's highlighted, then push the little white balloon with two quote marks (this is next to the smiley button).

    A workable way to make posts is to use a text editor of some sort (Notepad works but is primitive) to create your base text, then past all of it into the text window, then go over the pasted text and add stuff like quoting, italics, smiley, etc. with the editing buttons. Using a text editor tends to prevent loss of an entire post if you accidentally hit a wrong button while working in the text window. However, using a sophisticated editor like Word often screws up the post badly.


  • 5go
    I don't see why God would even want to try and rescue you from this bad argument.

    Typical statement when said imaginary deity fails to act to save his said follower. It's always the faithful's lack of faith or incompetance to blame, not GOD's inaction or lack of existance.

  • gumby


  • theMartian

    Can you passionate debaters just CALM DOWN? How can you help ANYONE to learn if you babble? Just keep it to one point- and give us all time to REALLY think on it! Here's one:

    Given endless odds & eons of molecules colliding at random, do any of you think a PENCIL could evolve? A pencil is immensly simpler than a human.


  • AlanF

    Given endless odds & eons of macro-cosmic time, do any of you think a GOD could evolve? A human is immensely simpler than a god.


  • 5go
    Given endless odds & eons of molecules colliding at random, do any of you think a PENCIL could evolve? A pencil is immensly simpler than a human.

    Great example where did we get the pencil excpet throught the evolution of ideas. First was the discovery that certain metals leave a residue on wood. Then we learned how to incase it in wood then some made the discovery that a substance from certian trees rubed it away. ( where we get the word rubber from ) then someone put one of those on one end. Now we have the modern pencil.

    By the way organic evolution envolves breeding which pencils, nor clocks are capable of.

  • gumby
    A human is immensely simpler than a god.

    How so Alan? In other words...simpler how? What do you mean by " a god"?


  • serotonin_wraith
    Given endless odds & eons of molecules colliding at random, do any of you think a PENCIL could evolve? A pencil is immensly simpler than a human.

    Here is how the pencil evolved: A long time ago, humans decided they wanted to mark their information down in some way that could be passed on to future humans. It started with plants ground down to form 'paint', which decorated their cave walls. Later on, they found that feathers could be used, dipped in paint or ink. This was better than their method before as it gave a more accurate mark. Then again, over time, we found that led could be used to make our mark, but we had to reach the capability to encase it in a thin strip of wood before it could be used with accuracy.

    Notice how the pencil came about by generations of humans wanting to improve upon their design? Evolution too, improves the species over time. Starting with something very basic, and working its way up to something more complex. Evolution is not chance.

    Neither is evolution how life started on earth or how our universe or the planets came to be. Look into cosmology or abiogenesis for that. Evolution is how living things change over time.

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