more from my story

by fiveangels 36 Replies latest social relationships

  • Jim_TX
    "all I need to know now should I really do it"

    What can it hurt? He has already blown you off. He is already going to get on with his life - with his good lil' JW girlfriend.

    I say - throw a monkey wrench into his 'plans'. He ain't expecting you to do anything... now's the best time to do it.

    If you make enough 'noise' - he gets into trouble with his 'church' people - and his girlfriend.

    Poetic justice, if you ask me.

    Plus - it may make you feel a tad better. Then it's time for you to move on. Eventually, you will get a new boyfriend - preferrable a non-jw. No use in repeating the experience, eh?


    Jim TX

  • fiveangels

    thanx again I wish you guys were here to help me with this.I am so weak and empty

  • ex-nj-jw

    My advise is a little different than the others.

    I say take the ring (if there is one), trade it in and buy yourself something else.

    Call him tell him the relationship is over and you never want to hear from him again. Let him have the JW girl, they deserve each othre and she will learn in time who he really is, it's not your problem, unless you continue to allow him to use you at his convience.

    Count your blessing that you did not marry this idiot and did not get involved with this cult.

    Move on, go the therapy for counseling, but most of all be a bigger better person than he is. Going to the kingdum hall and making a scene, contacting the elders will do nothing for you but make you more frustrated, you will be seen as satan, demonized causing him to be weak. All the blame will be put on you.

    Learn from this mistake or bad choice, give yourself time to grow and once again move on and leave his sorry A**.



  • R.F.

    I agree with ex-nj-jw.

    I'd just leave the guy alone. Trust me, it will work out for the best for you.

    Don't react out of anger and frustration as was mentioned, that'll make you feel worse.

    I hope the best for you.

  • misanthropic

    I think you should just let him go, wash your hands of him and move on. I don't think revenge or trying to get him in trouble is going to help anything- you're hurt right now and you just need time to heal. Besides the elders won't believe you if your not a witness and really when you think about it what right do they have anyway. He's an adult, he makes his own choices- poor as they may be. Just be glad you didn't marry him before all of this. Move on, wasting any more time on him would be a pitty.

  • Finally-Free

    The guy is a POS, and not worth wasting a single moment of your time on. Be glad you didn't marry him. You should have no problem finding someone better than him.


  • dawg

    Yea, but the herpes thing? So much funnier.

  • Finally-Free

    I have to admit, I like the herpes idea. No sisterâ„¢ will ever go near the guy again.


  • DJK

    Lesson one; JWs are no more morally upstanding than anyone else.

    Lesson two (if you choose to learn the hard way;) A little revenge is not rewarding. It may lead to a lot of revenge. That can lead to pshyco care and if that's not enough it might lead to jail. Best advice, move on and you'll find someone better before you would get out of jail.

    Lesson three; I'm older than you and I'm in my third marraige. I have experience, "I" learned the hard way from my first divorce. (I wont give you any ideas but my personal best was milk in the little vents below the windshield in the summertime) She caused the divorce and in the end paid for it with her life. Your fiancee may just get what he deserves from other sources.

    Lesson four; SMILE and you will meet someone sooner than you think.


  • greendawn

    I also think the best revenge is to forget this person and get on with your life, there are millions of people out there in the world and it will not be difficult to find someone else that is just as good or possibly even better. No need to be fixated on one person and unnecessary negative emotions.

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