Back to the topic - I am in love with a JW

by LindaLu 37 Replies latest social relationships

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?
    and what is there not to Love!

    The constant unending totally unneccessary drama that will cloud your days for the rest of your life if you continue pretending that what your gut tells not so.

  • fiveangels

    i also am in love with a very committed JW and he says he will always love me,now he says he can't see me any more because he is servicing and doesn't want to get caught being with me-it hurts so muchI don't want to lose him and don't know what to do.please help!

  • neverendingjourney

    LindaLu and fiveangels:

    The Jehovah's Witnesses religion demands exclusive loyalty from its members. If your boyfriends become committed members, their loyalties will be divided. You see, JWs are taught that it's a sin to marry another non-JW. There will be consequences for them in the congregation if they continue their relationships with you. They will eventually have to choose between continuing their relationships with you and becoming members in good standing in the congregation. If they choose their relationship with you over the religion, there's hope. If they don't, you are in for some tough times. They will be allowed to remain members of the church even if they continue to be with you, but they will be constantly looked down upon. Expect pressure to convert to their religion. The congregation will view you as a mistake that needs to be remedied. There are several non-JW members of this forum married to JWs who will be able to share their stories with you. Think long and hard about what to do next. Welcome to the forum.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>he says he will always love me,now he says he can't see me any more

    I'm sorry, but you have your answer right there. According to JW teachings, he should not be friends with you, let alone have a romantic relationship with you. There is constant pressure on JW's to separate themselves from all non-JW's. I'm very, very sorry about this, I can hear your intense feelings. But for your own happiness, you need to move on from this relationship.


  • Highlander


    Why are there so many new posters that are non-dubs and dating active dubs?

    Or is someone out there just yanking our chain?

    On the other hand, maybe this is a sign that things aren't what they seem to be among the 'happiest people on earth'.

  • nvrgnbk
    >>he says he will always love me,now he says he can't see me any more

    I'm sorry, but you have your answer right there. According to JW teachings, he should not be friends with you, let alone have a romantic relationship with you. There is constant pressure on JW's to separate themselves from all non-JW's. I'm very, very sorry about this, I can hear your intense feelings. But for your own happiness, you need to move on from this relationship.


    Big Huge Freakin' Ditto!

  • Gayle

    And, there's another phenomenon I often saw, when a young man left the JW organization but later got a girlfriend or married, he'd get her totally into the organization, then eventually leave the organization again "and" the girl or wife. Ironic!!

  • R.F.

    i also am in love with a very committed JW and he says he will always love me,now he says he can't see me any more because he is servicing and doesn't want to get caught being with me-it hurts so muchI don't want to lose him and don't know what to do.please help! My advise to you is to forget about him. Find someone that will love you unconditionally. The organization is supposed to be the number one priority for JWs, including any family ties. Trust me, he's doing you a BIG favor.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    LindaLu...good advice from all on the board so far......nothing more I can add to YOU..... however.....

    five angels: Welcome to JWD forum. Heartwrenching first post. I hope you will keep posting. Please start a new thread (new topic) and tell us more about yourself. We welcome you with open arms and want to know about you and will encourage you the best way we can. There are a lot of great folks here.

    Attempting to stay on topic, the advise given to LindaLu by some of the other posters applies to you as well.

    now he says he can't see me any more because he is servicing and doesn't want to get caught being with me

    "gettng caught" WTF? The good thing is he has finally ealized now that he cant have his cake and eat it too. Better you know that now than later. Too bad he had stomp on your heart for him to realize that.

    I don't want to lose him

    5 angels ...hon, you have already lost him. You don't say how long you dated or how old you are. But he went against the JW religion rules by dating you in the first place. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. He already has a mistress, her name is "Jehovah's Witnesses" and he is indebted to her. You would always be the "other woman" if you had married him. JW comes first, everything else second. If he gets married, he needs to marry a fellow JW so they can be miserable slaves to that religion together.

    Move on, tough as it is. (By the by, I would not date a JW now because I am on the way out of the organization, or at least will never be "whole hearted" to it again. If I find a nice non-JW girl who loves me for what I am and not because I have a title in a man made religion, then I am going to date and/or marry a non-JW girl and get the hell out...never thought I would ever think THAT let alone admit it here)

    SnakesInTheTower (of the not dating a JW Sheep Class)

  • VanillaMocha73

    My parents broke up - mom a JW and dad not. Cost me two parents in my teen years and untold heart ache and series of disasters since....

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