Bethel Tour Canceled Due to Lack of Interest?

by snowbird 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NewYork44M

    The Brooklyn part of the tour of a five-minute walk through. The factory buildings are empty. Nothing to see. The only other building you can see is the 25 Cloumbia Heights building. Here you walk through the halls and the tour guide explains what happens behind closed doors.

    Usually they incorporate into the tour a trip to Wallkill, Patterson, and usually end up in DC to see the Holocast museum. My mother inlaw went on one of these tours where they also went to Pittsburgh to see the grave site of Russell.

  • The-Borg

    Let's hope so

  • greendawn

    I can't understand why anyone would want to visit the headquarters of such a dismal organisation that fed them with false expectaions over many decades and subjected them to doctrines that messed up their lives and families.

  • Jim_TX

    Hmmm... brings back memories.

    I went on a tour - way back in the day... we flew there though. Then took a local tour bus to see the facilities in Brooklyn, and then went to Wallkill, NY. This was back in '74 or '75 I believe.

    My ex-wife and daughter took a tour around 2001. She approached me with the idea of her and daughter going way before - and I told her that we didn't have the money (she was spending it all at Wal-Mart) to fund the trip - but if she came up with the money, she could go.

    Now - my ex-wife never worked... except to do odd jobs, but for about 6 months, she actually busted-butt - riding a bat-wing mower, and doing other hard labor - for her dad - just so she could come up with about $1000 for the trip. She went, too. Ahhhhh... I had one glorious week of silence - as she toured the U.S. and Bethel. They went across the border at Niagara Falls, and also went to Washington, D.C. to see parts of the Smithsonian.

    I later mentioned to her - after seeing a tour bus headed for Mexico - "That woud be a nice bus trip to take - and see Mexico." She replied, "I would only go if it was a bus filled with Jehovah's Witnesses."

    It was at that point I knew it was over. Soon after that, I moved out and filed for divorce.


    Jim TX

    P.S. Since then, I have been to Mexico on bus trips three or four times - and plan to go again. It's fun! The folks are fun to share the ride with - and the sights in Mexico are great!

  • snowbird
    Ahhhhh... I had one glorious week of silence - as she toured the U.S. and Bethel. They went across the border at Niagara Falls, and also went to Washington, D.C. to see parts of the Smithsonian.

    That's a good one. I'm at work and trying not to LOL.


  • JK666

    This problem might be a problem endemic with the Society today. Nobady gives a $hit about seeing the facilities. If the general apathy catches on . . . JK

  • Enjoying freedom
    Enjoying freedom

    You may be right - Apathy may be what kills it off in the end!

  • DocBob

    After reading these two verses, I wouldn't go near the place ;-)

    (Amos 4:4) "'Come, YOU people, to Beth'el and commit transgression. At Gil'gal be frequent in committing transgression, and bring YOUR sacrifices in the morning; on the third day, YOUR tenth parts.

    (Amos 5:5-6) And do not search for Beth'el, and to Gil'gal YOU must not come, and to Be'er-she'ba YOU must not pass over; because Gil'gal itself will without fail go into exile; and as regards Beth'el, it will become something uncanny. 6 Search for Jehovah, and keep living, that he may not become operative just like fire, O house of Joseph, and it may not actually devour, and Beth'el may not be with no one to extinguish [it],

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