Why are JWs so disrespectful towards war veterans, etc?

by winnie 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Roski


    I can understand where you are coming from. My father saw some serious action in WW2 and that's why he became a witness.

  • BR25

    There is no lack of respect. My question is if you wasnt american and you lived in a country that got picked on and couldnt defend itself would you still like it then? People on here want to judge jws all the time just think about that question for a while. If you didnt live in the good ole USA would you still stick up for war if you had a bomb landing in you backyard everyday and you couldnt do anything about it? Yes the soldiers are brave and they did give me my freedom of speach, but we are no better than anyone else.

  • Robert222

    This is a difficult topic, but my own experience is that JW have no empathy. Its true they take certain blood components yet do not give blood. They take charity from governmental agencies, yet do not give charity to others, only pass out JW literature, nothing more. Hopefully some JW can think for themselves and stop aligning themselves with a selfish organization that is superior to everyone and everything. JWs never see the whole picture, are not objective, showing no common decency for other human beings.

  • sass_my_frass

    That really gets to me too. In year 2 I proudly took home my workbook and showed mum where I had ripped out the colour-in ANZAC wreath page. There was some weird explanation for why we can't take our opposition to war to that kind of level. I was seven, what did I care?

    A few years ago a JW mate told me about an essay he'd written when he was a kid; 'ANZAC Day is an anacronism'. He got an A for it so he must be right...

    I went to the dawn service yesterday, as did hundreds of thousands of others. I'm still a conscientious objector, but I'm grateful to those guys for the world as we know it. Here's the thing; the Australian battle that started ANZAC day was a pointless waste of life that contributed nothing at all to WW1, and all the men there knew it. Commemorating it is more an acknowledgement of their mateship, and has nothing to do with any role they played in the shape of the world. ANZAC day is important to Australians because it was then that we realised how easy it is to be screwed over by the house of lords, and that it's time we became the nation we're supposed to be. Since then there have also been Australians killed in battles that saved the war, and war memorials are also about them, but I guess I've retained the aversion to armies because they're far more often used to secure resources than to protect any kind of human idealism, and it maddens me that they're manipulated into believing it's for some greater good than protecting their country's economy.

    I hate that the young can be fooled into thinking they're trading their lives for something more important. I repect veterans because they're the ones who have worked that out. I respect those who realise they're better off outside the service, and get out.

  • The Humper
    The Humper

    its already been said but

    even if you dont agree or like the war, the poloticians, or the government you should still support the troops!

    that doesnt mean buy a yellow ribbon and put it on your car and say im supporting the troops. get involved, send care packages, even a letter, there are lots of programs that you can donate money or stuff to that sends it to the troops. i always like when a class of little kids draw pictures and write letters to Soldiers and send them overseas to say thank you.


  • frankiespeakin


    even if you dont agree or like the war, the poloticians, or the government you should still support the troops!

    Does that apply to every country? So no matter what country one is in and reguardless of what they are fighting for we should all be supporting the soldiers. Sounds just like blind patriotism to me. Should a person also support the CIA and the SS.

    i always like when a class of little kids draw pictures and write letters to Soldiers and send them overseas to say thank you.

    That another thing I don't like getting little children invovled in the indoctrination process. These kids are being taught (indoctrinated) at an early age in the schools, thanking soldiers for fighting in a war reguardless of wether or not the reasons for fighting are good or bad. ANd think of the peer presure that may be on a child to conform if everyone in his class or school is asked to do this, Great way to insure more cookie cutter types of adults to just do what ever the governments says even if it means loss of life or limbs in a war of aggression that kills hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

  • frankiespeakin


    How would you feel if the school, or class started asking the children to write letter and send gifts showing support for the disadents, and deserters, and those that leave the military and get court martialed and imprisioned because of thier conscientous object to the war, they need our support too, they are brave, and fighting the cause of freedom too.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Nothing is really black and white but think about it for a minute.Suppose a nation state which is totally opposed to the freedoms we have, and wants for arguments sake our land and it decides to attack with a weapon we know nothing about.As the attack begins do we roll over on our backs and say "give in" or do we organize and try to fight back.If there is a slight chance of winning I think most people would ,apart from the dubs, try and fight back because there is no other choice.It depends on who you want to rule and take orders from.

    In fact if you think about it .The armed forces are another level of policing with more fire power.If somebody said we don't need the police you would think they were barmy

  • jaguarbass

    Maybe these witnesses are students of history that have determined as least in the United States that most modern wars are a waste of life. World War 1 and 2 the United States was not fighting for US freedom. Same with Viet Nam and Iraq. The only reason the US is in Iraq is Some business interest group stole the right to vote from the american people and installed their spokesman in the presidency by calling in favors of the Supreme Court. The current president of the United States is not the person who won the popular vote or the presidential election of the American people. Therefore our US troops are professional mercenaries working for a business interest group. Hard to get all teary eyed over business. They joined the military to get a free education. And if they survive getting Bushwacked thats what they'll have.

    I would think you Europeans probably should believe in war and support your troops.

    The Us has already been invaded and taken over by the Mexicans.

  • restrangled
    Why are JWs so disrespectful towards war veterans, etc?

    1) Bad Manners (low class/no class upbringing)

    2) Ignorance (they don't understand what motivates most soldiers)

    3) Overinflated Ego (by putting down others, they try and justify their beliefs and inflate their own self worth)

    4) Arrogance & Laziness (they feel that they are special and therefore recoil from any notion of civic responsibility like voting, charity work, service to country and actually making a difference in someones lives other than their own)

    5) The WTS

    r's hubby

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