the lenths jws go to to avoid you

by winnie 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • greendawn

    What can a cult do to destroy family relationships with its twisted ideas! One can understand them not wanting ex members to be part of their religious activities or even to be known as JWs but they have no right to go as far as destroying families and friendships. It serves their interests at least where the ex dubs were critical of the org and its doctrines and therefore dangerous to the FDS, his image, status, credibility, control.

  • Gordy

    Well apart from the fact my JW wife and two JW daughters have not spoken to me since 2001.

    Other JW's have either crossed the road to avoid me. Or as they have been walking towards me suddenly get a call on their mobile phone, amazing how they alway seem to get calls just at that moment..

    Have had them get up and leave a cafe and half finished meals when Ihave walked in.

    Good one is when I'm having a drink in pub and couple JW's walk in from my old congregation, get their drinks, turn round and see me. They get that "rabbit in a headlight" look. Then scurry to farthest part of pub. I know why they are there, its because the pub is miles away from their territory and no one knows them.

    But saying this my DA'd son and I were in pub last week. At next table was four young girls about 20ish. One turns round to us and asks in we JW's. "We were" we said. She them says she recognised us, said she was from Eastham congregation, which we knew. We got chatting and telling her about why we left etc. She went about how though a JW, she doesn't accept it all. But when we started about JW teachings etc. She became very defensive about them. She even asked if we were frightened about Armageddon coming. But then here friends wanted to move on to the nightclubs in town. It was so odd she was defending the WT, yet at same time in a pub drinking, in short dress, low cut top, with 3 "worldly" friends going clubbing.

    IF other people have been around I have explained why the JW has ignored me. They then become fascinated about why and it leads into conversation about JW's.

    But if I do see a JW out and about I always give a wave and say Hello. I just love annoying them.

  • Tuesday

    Everyone has hope for me I guess because I still get waved at and talked to. I just faded and was never baptized. I'm actually the one doing the shunning most of the time. Anyone I knew that I thought were hypocrites when I was in I avoid, but anyone I thought was sincere I will talk to. Word has gotten around now though that I have a "sharp mind" for scripture so they don't talk to me about any bibical things.

  • Honesty

    I love it when a JW shuns me when I'm out with friends.

    They always tell me that they never knew a person could be so hateful to another person and still believe they are Christian.

  • moshe

    Go Johnny, go! I must have had some "extra" help to get through that mess. It was 18 years ago that my wife and kids were hidden from me by the elders at the Lutz, Fl KH. They even went to court to try and make me look bad- the Judge just rolled his eyes and accepted my side of the story- ya suppose the Judge had previous experience with liars?

    Their little shunning tactics fall apart without a willing/passive victim. I have never had a JW stand their ground when they are confronted,. I had one JW learn her lesson after only one embarrassment in public for shunning me. The next time she saw me and I said hello, she said hello back to me- and I was cool with that- and she was able to finish her grocery shopping in one trip.

    Do you know what hurt the most? When my two children told me they couldn't talk to me when I ran into them at Walmart. " Mom says we can't talk to you except on your visitation days", my daughter informed me. She was 11. My 9 year old son was obviously torn up inside- he looked like he wanted to cry and so did I. I won that battle in the end, but that is a story for another day.

  • TheKings

    at college i ran into a sister who is a friend of my mom's and she said hi to me and asked how my family was doing etcetera, because she had moved congregations and had not been in touch with my mom since i quit going to meetings and moved out with my boyfriend. i told her everything was fine and went to my next class.

    the next time i saw her i said hi and she barely looked up and simply gave me this look like "don't f-ing talk to me".

    apparently, she had related her experience of seeing me to someone and they filled her in on how i left. the thing is, i've never been baptised so technically she doesn't have to shun me. i guess it makes her feel more "christian" to do so. i see her every week at school and she ignores me vigorously.

  • LongHairGal

    So, let the dumb bastards trip over themselves avoiding you. Just proceed along with a pleasant expression on your face and go about your business.

    Then, if one of them falls on the floor and expects you to call 911 you can just "avoid" them.


  • NotaNess

    I have to say, never being a witness, and reading the experiences sheds a lot of light on the teachings, mind control and really the sadness of being involved in this organization.

    It's like they see you as a representative of the devil, and flee for their lives. It's rediculous. And it breaks my heart to hear about wifes, husbands and children who are shunning their loved ones for, get me some tissue! I could never imagine losing my loved ones like this, and over doctrine? I feel for you people, truly.

  • Axeman
    It's like they see you as a representative of the devil, and flee for their lives.

    Too true I started a conversation with an elder at a shopping mall He was talking away thinking to himself "where do I know this guy from" When he realized who I was he mumbled something about satan and took off

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