the lenths jws go to to avoid you

by winnie 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • winnie

    went to the chemist the other day parked near my brother in laws car in car park.he saw me and turned wife went into chemist had to wait 10 minutes all the time my elder brother in law sat in car.We moved closer to supermarket as soon as we had moved i watch him go into chemist he was waiting for us to leave so he could go in.

    i then went into supermarket i watched him do a whole lap of the car park walking so he wouldn,t have to walk past my car with wife and kids in

    he thought the coast was clear didn,t know i was in there so i ambushed him in an isle smiled said hello he smiled said hello then the jw shunning part of his brain kicked in head down walk straight and frown.

    saw my mother in car latter and she covered her face

    i think they feel uncomportable

  • MinisterAmos

    Hey Winnie!

    I have a sure fire tactic that will break them free of the brainwashing. I have seen it used with good effect on hard-core JHoes.

    Just walk up to them publicly and loudly say "I still love you (brother, Mom, whatever)"

  • moshe

    JW's giving you the cold shoulder? Well, I had a sister see me first in the grocery store so she hid from me by bending over hand putting her head in the frozen food case! I was in the aisle passing her and thought, that looks strange, so I just parked my grocery cart and waited. Finally, she came up for air and I was wating for her- "Hi, Susan. Are you looking for any particular brand of Pizza? Maybe, I can help you." She was so flustered that she abandoned her almost full cart of groceries and left the store.

    The best experiences have been when I trapped them in a checkout line between other customers and I was able to chat away with them, until they finally told me to stop talking to them, which is what I wanted them to say. Then I announced very loudly for all to hear, " this is Sis/Bro they are JW's and they won't don't want to talk to me because I have quit going to the KH- - Ask them how they helped break up my family.- yada,yada. They either got mad and stormed out or just got red-faced and took it up the keester. I sure wish Johnny Cip had been there to lend his support.

  • geevee

    Hi Winnie,
    I take it your not DA/DFDed? Sounds typical of what we experience too. My own brother accused us of not treating JW's well. Huh!! I must've missed that one. I pointed out to him that where we see them we always say hello, so who knows where he gets his info. Perhaps that is what he means. We go up to them and talk to them and they are "uncomfortable" with it and so we are mistreating them by not "respecting" them enough to NOT talk to them. When it comes to family in your experience, I wouldn't be able to control myself, I would have to be in their face!
    Good luck.

  • sass_my_frass
    Just walk up to them publicly and loudly say "I still love you (brother, Mom, whatever)"

    Oo, now that's good!

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    one day my dad the jw's is preaching to one of the niehbors. so i walk up and say hi mr. murphy and dad. dad why don't you tell MR. MUrphy all about. the generation of 1914. that's your best sermon remember? well my dad's face turned red as a tomato. go ahead dad tell him about that false prophecy. well dad ran off in a huff, while MR. Murphy was calling dad to explain. it took less than one minute. i stayed and informed MR. MUrphy what it was all about. i also learned that my dad has been cornering this man for years. long story short he doesn't think my dad is so smart any more. plus mr. murphy was upset dad didn't stay and defend his religion. john P.S. moshe i was with you at the store in my spritual body...

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    one more just for fun. one day i go into the coffee shop with my teenage children. there are 3 pioneers sitting there with mag's on the table. i go over and say HI SISTER JONES. they just ignore me. so i say in a load voice. " I JUST WANTED MY CHILDREN TO SEE WHAT COUNTERFIET CHRISTIANS LOOK LIKE". then i take the table next to them. and tell my kids i used to go to that ladies house for book study. she never even once offered anyone a glass of water. and she promised me the world was to end in 1975. etc. since they are sitting at the next table. i kept asking them. so what happened to 1975. how come all your kids left the wt? is it because you would always beat the crap out of them at the meetings? they just sat there like zombies. i thanked the jw's for thier witness. so my kids can see first hand how they really act. john

  • winnie

    hi geevee

    we are both d/assoate.not because we did anything wrong just because i was sick and tired of my family iggnoring me for no reason.I gave them a reason to treat me like dog shit just because they wont say hello doesnt mean i wont.Thats not to spite them just means i,m much better person.I know they want to say hello but that part of the brain has been hijacked by wtbts

  • jwfacts
    We go up to them and talk to them and they are "uncomfortable" with it and so we are mistreating them by not "respecting" them enough to NOT talk to them.

    That could be right. I remember when I was a JW discussing how "disrepectful disfellowshipped xxx was, he knows he should not talk to us." I shudder at how self-righteous I was.

    I once walked into a shop where a JW was being attended to. In mid-conversation she literally bolted out the door.

    Another time my father dropped someone off to meet up with my wife. He dropped them at the other end of the block so that he would not have a chance "sighting" of me.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    johnny cip - you're tooooo bad keep it up!

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