What preoccupied your mind today?

by greendawn 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    So what was one thing that significantly preoccupied your mind today or part of today something you thought a lot about? For me it was handing over some work on a deadline which comes up next week. I can't go over even by one day so I better be on time. I also plan a better more balanced diet because I believe the current one is deficient in some minerals and that can mess up metabolism.

  • Clam

    Mine was preoccupied by Mrs Clam being in hospital for a tonsillectomy. At 34 she's going to suffer, and it's complicated by her not being able to be sutured due to an allergy to the suture material. She's ok now though, albeit high on morphine and voltarol. Hopefully I'll be able to collect her tomorrow.


  • ninja

    my kids and how to keep them occupied....I had a very rare day off from work and took the kids to the park ....they seemed to enjoy it...I love to see them happy....although I am sure they only humoured my attempts at making breakfast and lunch for them...their mum is much better at it

  • sspo

    Got to do my income tax by the 17th.

  • DanTheMan

    Getting a call from the HR lady to inform me that I wasn't selected for a position that I had applied for.

    Shitty day. I really had my hopes up for this one.

  • daystar

    Oh dear god... you don't even want to know. My world felt like it was falling apart, for entirely irrational reasons that I won't relate here.

    Otherwise, bills. My electricity this month was fully half what it was two months ago and 75% less than last month. I'll be buying my first washer/dryer set in my life in the next few days. Crazy, huh? 34 years old this month and only just getting around to it. And I'm stressing a bit about having to shoulder a pretty immense payment for my son's Summer Camp entirely on my own. But what can you do?

    My darling, beautiful Brigid received my Utilikilt in the mail this week and I got to model it for her last night. Hubba hubba!!

    The rest? Just work-related. Next week's deadline doesn't really affect us in the corporate market, so that's good. But we do have IT types all the time trying to wrangle our software into submission, so that's always a fun time.

  • BFD

    Quarterly tax filing. Boooo! And whether I will go to the NYC meet up this weekend because there is a noreaster being predicted for Sun/Mon.


  • 5thGeneration


    1825th day (5 years) in a row of 'how do I get the hell out of the truth with a shred of respect!'.

    Oh boy!

  • dawg

    Come on 5th... You have respect.. you've already seen the light and now things are bound to be better.

  • I Know what I like, and I like what I know
    I Know what I like, and I like what I know

    yesterday two elders visited me and I thought about it today. Also my ex-wife ( so happy with her new JW husband.......! ) keeps chasing me for money. Get a LIFE!

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