Words Jehovers Witnesses Pronounce wrong...

by vomit 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    If you didn't add so many unnecessary letters in your words, maybe we wouldn't try to hack the language.

    Anyways a word that a JW will almost ALWAYS mispronounce.

    She'ol. It's supposed to be pronounced "She -OL" (Sounds like She BOWL)

    Not SHE-awl or "SHE ol'. I talked to a rabbi about the concept of Sheol and he gave me a funny look. Needless to say, I told him who taught me how to pronounce the word and he shook his head in pity.

  • under_believer

    I've heard the "Jerhovah" pronunciation, it was a Bethelite at a district convention one year and he went on and on and said "Jerhovah" about a million times.

    There was this brick of a man in one hall I went to that kept saying "jift" for "gist." "Brothers and sisters, are we getting the jift of what this scripture is trying to say?"

  • DanTheMan

    One bro who was giving the Bible Highlights talk (don't you miss that!) kept saying "canon-i-a-cal" instead of "canonical". And I'm not sure if anybody knew the difference.

  • sosad

    we moved from a Western Province to the Prairies in - 1975 and the congregation - including the elders all used the term "yous guys" instead of "you guys" or the more proper everyone - anyway, I was not a shy 9/10 year old and corrected one of the elders. WOW - never did that again - come to think of it, he was one of the jerks that dfed me when i was barly 16 - but NOT the elders son....hmmmmm

    another one is New-Ku-Ler instead of Nuclear - it used to drive me nuts

  • AlmostAtheist

    The TMS conductor in a hall I attended pronounced the "t" in "apostles". Used to drive me nuts!

    This is the same guy that would give you counsel on pronunciation, all the while saying "proNOUNCEiation".

    Another elder was giving a talk about how wonderful creation was, and focused on astronomy. He kept talking about galaxies and calling them "GAL-axies". It's hard to capture how awkward it sounded in writing it out, but not as hard it was to take him seriously during his talk!

    But these aren't general Jw-isms, just specific cases.

    In general, most JW's screw this one up: When they mean to say, "stuff we totally made up" they instead say "Truth".


  • Rethinking

    Adding an 's' when there is no 's'.

    "Let's turn to Matthews 24:14 then we'll read Revelations 21:3 & 4".

  • vomit

    The title to this thread should be: "Words Jehovah's Witnesses Pronounce Wrongly".

    Americans seem to have lost their adverbs a long time ago. Unfortunately the British have been affected with this blight on the English language. Please remember that an adverb (e.g. wrongly) should be used to describe a verb, while an adjective (e.g. wrong) should be used to describe a noun. Thank you!

    Gumb we are both wrong. It should be Words Jehovah's Witnesses Pronounce Incorrectly :p

    The H as in Heaven , 'even, is not incorrect it is a British accent. H is pronounced as etch or eitch when alone and skipped when in a word.

    It is also very common in Japan as it means to have sex.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    envoy pronounced like onvoy. I have heard my mother make this correction, I swear, almost after every meeting, when we would get into the car. She would say to my father, "You need to tell Brother Smith, that it is pronounced (onvoy). people just don't know how it is pronounced....................................... Like my father would really tell him. I think she only listened for that one word the entire meeting.


    l LOL vomit I will always remember that!!!!!


  • vomit

    horrible life your mother can put it in an onvelope and post it to Brother Smith. haha

    My personal pet hate though not incorrect is people who say "an Argentinian" instead of "an Argentine". It was used a lot at our hall especially when it came to Football, almost everybody are our hall was a football fanatic.

  • betterdaze

    Three pages and I'm surprised no one mentioned this (maybe I missed it).

    The second "t" in tract is not silent. It's TRACT, shortened from TRACTATE, not "track."


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