How do you choose pet names?

by JH 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Each time I have a new pet, I just can't find a good name. Luckily my mom gave my cat her name and I like it.

    Now how would you call this critter if it was yours?

    If that thing was mine, I'd call it Hermann

  • crazyblondeb

    I'd call it Scott............

  • JH
    I'd call it Scott............

    Why is that? Did you have an elder called Scott, just like I had an elder called Hermann ?

  • LovesDubs

    "Pissy." For sure.

    When I am going to name a pet I go to the back door and yell it out to see if it sounds stupid.
    "Here Kitty Kitty!! Here Schnitzelgruben!"

  • jelcat8224

    well, this poor little crearute looks a little crazy. In my experience, men named "Norman" or "Arthur" tend to be a little crazy. So I would go with one of those!

    As for how I name a pet: I agree with LovesDubs. I always did that too! I also like to give it a name that reflects how I came about having it or what is resembles to me.

  • crazyblondeb

    scott was my ex.....if I was gonna name it after an elder, I'd name it Ron (Bauer)....

  • restrangled

    I base it on who looks like the top dog.....or CAT! Why this came out too big I'll never know!

  • LoverOfTruth

    What is this little creature anyway? A Bat? If she were my pet, I'd give her a Beautiful Name, Something that would be good for her self esteem.

  • anewme

    Your bat looks like a "Trisha" to me. I dont know why. Its hard to figure why people name their pets the names they choose. Ive been lousy at naming pets. Usually its the first name that comes into my mind. Then for some reason I cant get it out of my head. Or someone will give me the pet and they tell me the name they have chosen and for some reason I cant get that name out of my head so I am stuck with the name they have given it. Like for instance my rooster name Harvey. Harvey for a rooster you ask? Thats the dumb name he came with. I had people come over to see him (he's a gorgeous tall red rooster with green tail feathers)
    and they came up with Chanticleer or The Boss or The General or Roostie (mine) but after they left and it was time to put him away in his pen I tried all the names and the one he came to was Harvey.

    Daily I let him roam the canyon with his two twin wives (The Twins) and when I need to put him in his pen I yell "Harvey! Harvey! Harv?" And he comes running!

    So, whatever works I guess.

    (Actually its pretty cool. I never have to make embarrassing chicken sounds like some people do)

  • J-ex-W

    Now how would you call this critter if it was yours?

    If that thing was mine, I'd call it Hermann

    Gretchen. I think it's a girl.

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