Still beating the flock, sadly.

by Gill 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    I ran into a JW lady I have known most of my life a couple of weeks ago.

    She told me that she had left her non JW abusive husband and that she was still very upset about all that had happened.

    The elders had been 'visiting' her. Infact visiting is probably the wrong word and should be replaced with harrassing.

    They kept telling her that 'Jehovah hates a divorcing!' She said that they wanted her to go back to her abusive husband as she should not have married a non JW in the first place. She had also been told that they were not 'Spiritual Policemen' and that she didn't have to do what 'they' said but she did have to consider Jehovah's view on divorce and that he hated it. She would be making Jehovah very angry if she divorced her husband!!

    I told her that the scriptural example they gave her was of when Israelite men were trading in their old wives for newer models and did not refer to her situation of being abused.

    I told her that she should not listen to the elders and they must mind their own business and keep out of hers. She did not have to do anything they told her. She nodded and she was obviously very upset at what they had told her and very afraid of her husband.

    We were interrupted by a woman calling her and rushing towards us.

    It was another JW. And elders wife who was blatantly ignoring me and caught hold of this JW ladies arm. I said 'hello' and she was forced to reciprocate. The JW lady turned back towards me, hugged me and kissed me. She said 'Thankyou' and she was gone with the elders wife.

    But, the Elders are still beating the most vulnerable sheep mercilessly!

  • reneeisorym

    That brings back memories of when I was in her shoes.

  • Gill

    ((((((((( reneeisorym ))))))))))))))

    It is pretty incredible that 'world organizations' moved heaven and earth to get a safe haven for this woman.

    The Elders want to throw her back to the wolves! Insane!

  • Alpheta

    Perhaps this topic has been discussed so many times before that people don't feel like posting responses, but I'm shocked by this, and probably always will be. Your lady friend should (1) leave and have a safe place (2) institute divorce proceedings immediately (3) punch the a-hole in the mouth and kick him in the nuts for good measure. Then she should do the same to the elders who gave her such bad advice. Geez!

    Of course I know the sister probably won't do most of the above. but she should find a save place, leave and get divorced from the jerk. If she is in a jurisdiction that has restraining orders, she should get one against the abusive sob too. But if she cannot, she should still find a safe place and get to it, and not ever go back to where he can find her - and certainly not go back to the Hall where the elders gave her such crappy advice.

  • J-ex-W

    They kept telling her that 'Jehovah hates a divorcing!' She said that they wanted her to go back to her abusive husband as she should not have married a non JW in the first place. She had also been told that they were not 'Spiritual Policemen' and that she didn't have to do what 'they' said but she did have to consider Jehovah's view on divorce and that he hated it. She would be making Jehovah very angry if she divorced her husband!!

    I told her that the scriptural example they gave her was of when Israelite men were trading in their old wives for newer models and did not refer to her situation of being abused.

    Yep...shows very nicely where the influence comes from that prompted my oldest son to tell me, "Nothing short of dad being a SERIAL KILLER could justify you divorcing him."

    Way to go, Watchtower...woo hoo! You've got the next generation of abusive JW husbands locked in already....

  • J-ex-W

    They kept telling her that 'Jehovah hates a divorcing!' She said that they wanted her to go back to her abusive husband as she should not have married a non JW in the first place. She had also been told that they were not 'Spiritual Policemen' and that she didn't have to do what 'they' said but she did have to consider Jehovah's view on divorce and that he hated it. She would be making Jehovah very angry if she divorced her husband!!

    I told her that the scriptural example they gave her was of when Israelite men were trading in their old wives for newer models and did not refer to her situation of being abused.

    Yep...shows very nicely where the influence comes from that prompted my oldest son to tell me, "Nothing short of dad being a SERIAL KILLER could justify you divorcing him."

    Way to go, Watchtower...woo hoo! You've got the next generation of abusive JW husbands locked in already....

    For any of you lurkers out there...I hope you're paying very close attention to the messages the WTB&TS sends out regarding wife abuse. It's all too prevalent and none too pretty!!!

  • willyloman

    ...and the beatings will continue until morale improves!

  • ValiantBoy

    I love the reasoning "you shouldn't have married out of the truth in the first place"

    My mom was once asked by the P.O. "what did you expect to happen when you married out of the truth?" This was over 25 years after the wedding day.

    My mom stayed. Eventually quit going to meetings. Dad got help for his probs and their marriage is better now than ever. However, I have seen so many sisters stay and put up with so much abuse. It is very sad. Your friend should leave and stay gone..from the husband and the org. Continue to be there for her.

  • Mary
    She told me that she had left her non JW abusive husband and that she was still very upset about all that had happened. The elders......kept telling her that 'Jehovah hates a divorcing!'

    She should've said "Ya? We'll I hate getting a beating, so piss off and leave me alone."

    She said that they wanted her to go back to her abusive husband as she should not have married a non JW in the first place.

    LOL.....ya, like marrying a fellow Dub will really protect you from physical abuse. Assholes.

  • willyloman

    It occurs to me that at least half the people in the KH are "married to an unbelieiving mate" if you add in the spouses who just sit there and go thru the motions, only coming alive for the social moments. The Halls are full of dubs who are not "true believers" in the sense that they follow the WTS in lockstep.

    Many, many dubs are quietly seething about the false direction, shoddy leadership, poor excuses for elders, and general lack of real love in the congo. But they hang in, due to famiily or business ties, or sometimes just out of habit or pride (not wanting to admit they were wrong all this time). Those people are also unbelievers, in a relative sense. Thus, there are more "unbelievers" in the organization today than there are believers.

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