witnoids just came to my door! woo hoo!!!

by tetrapod.sapien 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Asheron


  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey thanks guys! heh he he, i was so stoked on being able to talk with wits again. it's really not a trial for me. more of a morbid game to play.

    i really tried to stand my ground, and to not be rude. it's true, they may not come back again. but i am not concerned if they do. even just being here on jwd is practice enough for me.

    but there is a pretty good chance that they may run the conversation by one of the elders in my area. and they may put two and two together, and not come back. at any rate, what a gas!! :) if they do come back, i have a list of things i want to talk about. it'll be good. i won't take any emotional/psychological abuse! i can detect it now!

    i went for dinner with some friends tonight, and i was like: "hey! guess what?! i got to talk to JWs today!" and they all looked at me like i was some sort of weirdo. like "whoopie man. we usually avoid trying to talk to them." lol! i have to laugh at myself some days. oh well.

    tetra of the "aposta-spook" class

  • thecarpenter

    That was great, I loved how you elicited the blank stares from them with a dignified logical argument. They may not want to go back out in service for a few weeks...

  • SirNose586

    Looks like you nailed 'em. I wish I could get my hands on a poll like that to show that those creationist scientists are in the minority.

  • JWdaughter

    As my six year old would say, "High Five!!!" you did a great job.

  • ithinkisee

    That rocked. Thanks for sharing man.

    I know there are many that like to bat around scriptures with them - but knocking the bible out at the beginning is also a great way to leave them weaponless.


  • Clam

    Thanks for sharing Tetra. Great stuff!

    your religion tells you *what* to think about the world, and not *how* to think about it."

    I like it.

  • FadingAway

    Hey Tetra! Always enjoy your posts. Great experience and love the way you handled it. By the way, was this the poll you were referring to:


  • Gill

    Wow! How did you stay so calm!?

    I would have been tempted to throttle them with their Watchtowers! But I'm sure you got them thinking!

    I'm with you on the evolution, but Darwinian evolution is probably as 'old hat' as 'Creationism' and perhaps we need to think back even furthur than we can even imagine and even furthur in direction as well as time to begin to make sense of evolution. Darwin has too many holes at the moment. Evolution it self possibly started far far away from Earth! All wonderful and amazing anyway, and with so much order in chaos, the theory has less holes in it!

    But, I don't think a JW at your doorstep can even begin to imagine the implications of that!!!

    Well Done for your calmness!!!

  • Crumpet
    I went for dinner with some friends tonight, and i was like: "hey! guess what?! i got to talk to JWs today!" and they all looked at me like i was some sort of weirdo. like "whoopie man. we usually avoid trying to talk to them." lol! i have to laugh at myself some days. oh well.

    You made me laugh too! Well done tetra- you really have a way with words. I'm still not past the stage of getting irate and slamming the door - I have a lot to learn. I wish I was as cool, calm and collected!

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