The 613 Laws of JW's

by avidbiblereader 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • J-ex-W

    How about:

    -Sisters must wear skirts/ dresses--even dressy pantsuits are frowned upon
    -An unmarried sister and brother cannot go door-to-door in a vehicle alone, or in a vehicle alon--period--without raising serious eyebrows ('cause everyone knows JW's must be mating like rabbits when anyone's back is turned)
    -A sister cannot correct a brother who gives a wrong "fact" at book study (but a brother can correct a sister)
    -NO one can correct the study conductor when he gives wrong "facts" (of course, the study could never get off the ground with that many corrections)

  • james_woods

    It did just so happen that when Lucky Charms first came out, we were forbidden to eat this because it might just cause demons.


    (but as this must have been at least 25 or 30 years ago, maybe Lucky Charms is not advertised much anymore, so is below the JW radar screen).

    Probably it got replaced by the classic Smurfs rumors.

    BTW, we were also not supposed to watch "I Dream of Jeanie", "Sabrina the teenage witch", "Munsters", "Addams Family", or that sitcom with Elizabeth Montgomery as the witch housewife. Might just cause demons.

  • pobthespazz

    German/Dutch signs? Whats that about?

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    I think the person who mentioned that meant this:

  • jayhawk1

    Thanks James, I figured Lucky Charms had been banned at one time just like chess was.

    Let's also not forget the dangers of POCKET CALCULATORS! Que Jaws music... LOL!

  • pobthespazz

    What about pocket Billiards?

  • Heather

    In my hall we wern't aloud to wear dresses or skirts that went below our ankles (it was a fad at the time) and we were supposed to wear panty hose at all times. Short skirts could not be above the knees and that includes the slits.....we had a big talk once about how sisters should imagine how short there skirt would be if it was to be cut off at the top part of the slit.......if that was above the knee the slit was to be sewn shut down to the proper point. Thong panties were not aloud (inmodest). You could not wear you birth stone. We were contsantly counceled on how to not be materialistic but many elders wives had 100 dollar purses and book bags and drove 2 door jaguars and had large diamond rings.....oh yeah and they didn't hang out with other jw's that wern't as well off.

  • love2Bworldly

    OMG I am cracking up reading all these, and it brought back memories.

    Lucky Charms, Frankenberry, Booberry and Count Chocula--yeah you were not supposed to eat those cereals because eating those little marshmellows could bring demons into your house!!!

    Oh and women were not allowed to wear split skirts.

  • love2Bworldly

    I just remembered something else funny and weird. I had a girlfriend who was going through a divorce but would talk about how her husband wanted her to masterbate him and she used a tissue! And she thought it was SOOOO wrong because it wasn't actual intercourse! What a bunch of weirdos!!!

  • undercover

    A lot of the "laws" mentioned aren't really laws but are "traditions of men" which ironically makes the elders much like the Pharisees of Jesus' day.

    Instead of allowing the Law of Moses to guide them in how to rule and judge, the Pharisees became dogmatic in their approach to the Law and created even more laws and rules thus oppressing the Jewish followers. The same today, the individual elder bodies have become dogmatic in their approach to "counsel" as printed by the WTS and have created even more "laws" and "rules" thus oppressing the friends.

    Of course the argument can be made that the dogmatism comes from the top through oral communication so as to not have the WTS pointed to as being the one who created all these "laws" to begin with. For instance, the beard "law". The prohibition of beards is not really in print anywhere but go to almost any congregation in the continental US and you will find this "law". The recommendation to have the brother show obedience by not allowing over the top fads was handed down through the traveling Pharisees servants and the elder bodies showed required obedience by instituing the rule locally. In time, this recommendation became "law".

    But the willingness of local elders to enforce their own "laws" is shown in how some people post "laws" that other people from other parts of the country or world never heard of. Girl Scout Cookies were the Devil's food in my area, but I've visisted other areas where the friends laughed at our aversion to buying them. The white shirts only for brothers "law" strikes me funny because we didn't have that rule. Brothers have been wearing colored shirts for as long as I can remember where I come from.

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