Guys, What is intimidating about women?

by Wendy_Warden 57 Replies latest social relationships

  • poppers

    My biggest regret in high school was not going after this particular girl in my class because she was so gorgeous. It turned out that just about all the guys were intimidated by her looks. Alas, she ended up in a series of relationships with deadbeats throughout her life. She hardly lets anyone decent get close to her now, and when one does she ends up sabotaging it by cheating on him. She is still drop dead gorgeous at age 55.

  • IP_SEC

    Wimmins are just people. People in general are not intimidating.

    Well... there was this one girl once... She was a hell of a pool shark... It was intimidating to play 8 ball with her, especially 'cause she got very anger when she lost

  • Wendy_Warden

    Lost_lights; I think you're right about that. Maybe I should just hang a sign around my neck that says, "I won't hurt you." on it. Then again, who knows what I'll attract!

  • Nosferatu
    I always thought that you manly men wanted a challange.

    Men don't normally want a challenge; That's what women generally like.

    A lot of people think that just because something applies to them, it applies to the opposite sex as well. In most cases, it is not true.

    Men are pimarly attracted to a woman's looks, not her personality. I find the opposite applies to women.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    The intimidating woman. Every man's worst nightmare. Not.

    A couple of characteristics of the intimidating woman have been listed. They are too beautiful or too smart or too self-sufficient or too high class or too tall or too talented. The list goes on. The "too anything" woman does not exist.

    I think there are a couple of possibilities for someone to tell you that you are intimidating. One reason would be the guy is attracted to you but he has a morbid fear of rejection. A lot of men have yet to understand that the way this fear is overcome is realizing that rejection will not kill him. Another reason a guy might say this is that he really isn't interested in a woman and saying she is "intimidating" is his way of rejecting her.

  • mrsjones5

    Some men are also intimidated by tall women. I speak of this from experience being that I'm 6 foot without shoes. I married a man who loves my long legs.

  • M.J.
    it seems the woman can do with or without me.

    You nailed it...the trick is, if you can develop the same attitude toward women you will level the playing field. But of course that is easier said than done.

    Here's what we're up against:

    If women are scarce, when one finally comes along we men naturally place a whole lot of importance on that one individual. There's the rub.

    On top of that, so much of our self-esteem (ego) is wrapped up in how we are regarded by the desireable subset of the opposite sex.

    So in essence, in a situation when "desireable" women are scarce, each encounter with a desireable woman can seem like a public test of our own self-worth. Either we pass the test and we bask in the glory of the positive affirmation of our worth, or we fail and our self-esteem plummets.

    The trick is breaking out of the desperation cycle...See Nosferatu's topic for details!

  • Elsewhere

    Do you have horns or do flames come out of your nose and mouth?

    Post a recent pic so we can tell.

  • Wendy_Warden

    Do you have horns or do flames come out of your nose and mouth?

    Post a recent pic so we can tell.

    Neither, but I'm too scared of creepy (not meaning you guys) internet people to post a picture. I'm short and rather...ahem...round so there's no fear of someone being intimidated by my tall-ness

    Another reason a guy might say this is that he really isn't interested in a woman and saying she is "intimidating" is his way of rejecting her.

    I don't think has anything to do with my situation because he is interested in someone else.

    Besides, I'm an angel

  • diamondblue1974
    I just didn't think something like that could drive guys away. I always thought that you manly men wanted a challange.

    Ah be yourself, any man worth anything will accept you for what you are and wont be intimidated - simple as really.

    My biggest regret in high school was not going after this particular girl in my class because she was so gorgeous.

    I had a similar experience when I was a teenager too; I found out about 6 years ago at a reunion that she actually liked me anyway and wouldve said yes if I had asked her out! We did laugh about it!


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