2006 WorldWide Service Report

by Midget-Sasquatch 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Midget,

    The JWs grew by a little over 1% or 13,210 new JWs in the United States to a total of 1,008,281 JWs. This is a pathetic growth compared to what we experienced in the 1970s as Armageddon approached.

    The Roman Catholic grew by about 1% in the United States as well ... but the difference is that the Chruch grew by about 562,913 to 67,820,833 in the United States. This is almost 43 times the JW growth. Southern Baptist grew by 1.05% to 16,267,494 or roughly 170,000, which is more than ten times the JW growth. At this rate, the JWs will never catch up.

    Jim Whitney

  • Aaac

    In Western Europe, Belgium takes the lead: -1%. Zero-countries are: Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal. 1%-countries are Austria, Italy, Britain and Norway. 3%-growth can be seen in the most remote islands, Ireland and Iceland.

  • free2beme

    I left the Witnesses in 1997. You mean to tell me that they have only increase 300,000 in nearly ten years. That is pathetic. that 300,000 must break down like this.

    280,000 Children raised in the religion

    10,000 relatives of Witnesses.

    5,000 Mentally handicap people who like the attention

    5,000 Miscount from Witnesses who quit school early to Pioneer

    Just how I see it

  • rosa
  • jwfacts

    The following figure is possibly the most important.

    91 out of 207 countries had 1% growth or less. Since the global population growth is 1.2% it means all these countries had ZERO REAL GROWTH. Therefore JWs are experiencing;

    no real growth in 44% of countries,

    almost half the world

  • ringo5
    Partakers in 2005: 8524 Increase: 234

    You silly postates,

  • mcsemike

    I find it pretty sad that they have little or no growth, or even negative growth, especially in educated countries with the Internet. That is the big factor. And it now takes more money and hours to make a publisher. And what kind of publisher? A JW child? A mate who resisted for years and finally gave in to shut his wife up?? Who knows?

    I don't see this great influx to "grab hold of the skirt of a Jew". People are streaming OUT of the WT, not INTO it. That picture of all these happy faces of Prozac People climbing up the mountain with baskets of fruit (NO MEAT) are pathetic. This cult is starting to die. We just need to put the last few bullets into it once and for all.

    I appreciate all the hard work everyone did to compile the figures for the graphs and charts.

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    World population growth hovers around 1.5%-1.8% per year worldwide. Their increase remains proportional with world population growth. They must breed at the same rate and die at the same rate as everyone else. When the increases are lower than the population grwoth in any particular country, it means, ultimately, they are losing.

    Fascinating statistic crunch, would love to do it, but I don't have the time.


  • sspo
    When you subtract 2005 from 2006 you get 101,753. Now compare that to the baptism numbers for 06 of 269,577 and you get a difference of 167,824.

    The Watchtower i beleive spent 111 million for full time pioneers, how many more millions also for operating expenses we do not know.

    How about the cost of 6.5 million plublisher using their assets to go from door to door.

    So it's costing them millions of dollars for every new publisher that comes in.

    If they would just give out outright cash the increase would be so much greater.

  • luvbug2007

    I have offten wondered if they fix the numbers, just to seem as if they are growing when in fact more are leaving than coming in....

    I knew a replacement for the one of the 144.000 hes in his 40s. So i agree at this rate the end will never come!

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