Elder's notes - Blood item this week

by dozy 24 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Balsam

    Sadly the older folks will refuse all these fractions and options because it is just too complicated. They will fear that if they accidently take something that is forbidden they will be in trouble. So I've heard of several older ones who just flat refuse it all. Really shows how the new generations coming up are willing to accept what ever is permitted to save their lives. Big difference in attitudes.

    Rabbit I sent you a message about this.

    Sitting through the meeting was tedious, and then after all that they didn't even cover the entire worksheet in the insert. No one at all seemed the least bit put off or even questioned. I was there to observe not to question. I wanted to see how JW would accept this new information. The Work sheet is considered a new tool for JW in deciding what blood fractions they will accept. It was down right pathetic display. I don't believe the Elder understood it either.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    They allow "packed red blood cells" now ?

    nope - not yet. The allow Hemopure and like products - but RBC's are still on the forbidden list.


  • sf

    From page one:

    What about all those blind followers who died in the years before, months before, weeks and DAYS BEFORE the GB decided it was ok for them to have a choice

    Exactly. These very ones seem to be forgotten. How will the WTBLOODTHIRSTY SOCIETY ever make up for this genocidal loss?

    What, no elders care to take a shot at a satisfactory answer to this question? You seriously think I ask these types of questions to watch myself type??


    How will the WTBLOODTHIRSTY SOCIETY ever make up for this genocidal loss?

    I want a solid answer to this. (wonder what happened to those 'doubting bros'....{ponders}.


  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Sadly the older folks will refuse all these fractions and options because it is just too complicated.

    Unfortunately Balsaam's words are proving true. After the meeting, a dear older sister looked at me in total confusion and commented that she just does not understand "this stuff," so she is just going to say no to everything. ...very sad.


  • Balsam


    Yes I think the older ones will go with no blood anything no fractions simply because it is all too hard to deal with. The younger ones will embrace using it all. Though the influence of the younger ones accepting all the WTS allows will have an influence over the older ones in time I think. We'll see what happens.


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