Elder's notes - Blood item this week

by dozy 24 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • dozy

    If anybody is interested , I've posted the outline for this talk in the following post:


  • sass_my_frass

    That soliloquy!!! Geez louise.....

  • aniron

    Likewise on the soliloquy

    Does anyone know any JW who actually speaks like that?

  • crazyblondeb

    The demonzzzz in my computer wouldn't let me see it!! What's it say??? I just LOVE the blood issue!!


  • blondie

    Looks like many JWs are still putting off considering the details of the blood issue and what medical procedures they will or won’t accept. Many older ones just make a blanket statement of "not any blood" as if that were the official WTS doctrine still not wanting to make a mistake and select a procedure that puts their eternal life at stake (we know how the WTS flipflops on things). A city-wide meeting was held in one large city with JWs and a no-blood clinic. The clinic only requested that JWs file a HC-POA with them some time prior to any operation. The elders and others assured them that would take place. Six months after this meeting, about 5 out of the over 150 present filed a HC-POA and the JW medical staff at the clinic could not explain it to the doctors and administration of the clinic.

    I wonder how many will be asking the elders after this meeting which procedures the elders are choosing, or which ones they should choose, or calling the local HLC or WTS administration to help them make their decisions or better yet, make the decision for them?


  • dozy

    I've tried to upload the file but it is too small to read. If you have MS paint , it will read a tiff file.

    Does anyone know any JW who actually speaks like that?

    Sadly - lots of them!

  • blondie

    How do I make it bigger?

  • Clam

    Cheers for that Dozy.

    How do I make it bigger?

    If you open with MS Office Document Imaging you should have a little magnifying glass icon on your toolbar, which you keep pressing until it's the right size. I read:

    Please adhere closely to the outline below, Emphasize that each publisher must make his own decisions on such matters and that no one should seek to impose his conscience on others.

    HLC please note.

  • Balsam

    I had planned to attend a meeting at the KH so I could hear the reference from the letter. I am glad now I won't have to go since it was posted. Sorry I totally forgot who put it on here but thanks a bunch that is a great help. I can see that they are trying to remove any responsiblity from Elders and the WTS so they prevent lawsuits because of the rules. Interesting this has come about as a result Lowderbache papers concerning blood. I knew that the Society would have a letter to the Elders in conjuction with this. So much double speak it find it amazing that the Elders can even figure out what the heck is going on.


  • Balsam

    Ok I have not attended a JW Kingdom Hall for a meeting in 5 years. Well I knew the insert in the Kingdom Ministry about blood and blood fractions was going to be covered tonight so my son and I went. Lord have mercy is was so frigging boring before they ever got to it we were having a hard time being still. We went in regular street clothes and had print outs of the KM on blood plus the Elders letter that the Society sent for the Elders use as a guild for discussing the blood issue. During the school part they had a talk about the correct dress for the KH which made us look bad right off. Funny because we attended without any JW material with us at all like we were worldly people. some come up and greeted us but most looked and kept walking. Elders kept an eye on us in case we caused a trouble. We left before the final song so as to avoid questions. We got there about 5 min before it started. No one we knew still went there and all were strangers.

    Well here is the scoop, they barely allowed time for discussing the blood insert and the congregation literally were like robots and no one asked any questions outside the ones given by the WTS. It was like everyone was literally saw nothing at all odd in the allowance of the added blood fractions. Hemopure was not discussed nor was packed red blood cells. They clearly distanced themselves from the rank and file by saying they had to make their own decisions about blood fractions and they had to do their own research and no one was to criticize another for taking all they could. I believe the blood policy is gradually being done away with. The fact they allow the use of packed red blood cells, hemopure which is made from the red blood cells from cow's blood shows that. The made it clear that no one was to say that the WTBTS said they could not have medical treatment that dealt with blood or blood fractions.

    Another letter read from the Headquarters were added warnings that no one should go to anything but the WTBTS offical site to do research. Better yet not to use the internet at all. Warned of the dangers of places like myspace.com without saying it directly. Danger especially for teens who's faith is being shipwrecked by use of the internet and how Satan is using the internet to lure the young folks away from the organizion.

    It was weird and creepy at how lacking everyone was questioning this very important information.

    Balsam aka Mary from AJWRB.ORG

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