daft fashion question

by Ellie 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ellie

    Before I got pregnant I bought some nice short sleeve shirts, now that I've had my baby they are quite tight across the chest and my belly, so I was wondering if I could wear them open with a vest top underneath, or would this look daft?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I don't see why not Ellie. I don't think they'd look daft at all

  • Ellie

    Thanks Fullofdoubt now, I was beginning to panic and think that I'd need to buy a whole new wardrobe which wouldn't be a bad thing but could do without the expense right before xmas.

    Now you have put my mind at rest, cheers babe!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    You're welcome Ellie, and it's nice to see you here again, not seen much of you for a while.


  • Ellie

    Yeah not been here for a long time (nice that you noticed!) I've been quite busy with moving house and just had a baby boy, plus I wanted to spend summer out and about so stopped myself from useing the computer while it was warm.

    I'm back now though and probably wont be long before I'm addicted to this site again, lol.

    Its nice to be back actually.

  • Stealth453

    Leave out the vest. Could get hubby going again. hehe

  • Ellie

    Stealth453, with my jelly belly that wouldn't look daft just nauseating.

  • Stealth453

    My sweet wife has had 5 children, and she is every bit as sexy to me now than she was when I met her (even more so). Give hubby a chance and don't beat yourself up. Any man that is honest with himself, will admit that his wife is hotter than ever after giving him a child. Be proud of who you are and flaunt it for your sweetie.

    ps, Jelly bellies can be quite fun if you use it right. hehe

  • megsmomma

    Hey Ellie...just try cutting out the toe-nails...they are high in FAT!! JK! I had a baby in April.....aren't they so precious and worth the "jelly"?

  • JWdaughter

    My husband says women are more attractive when they aren't spending money thats tight:) Your idea is a good one. The extra weight will come off eventually if you make any effort, and I doubt it is nauseating as you think. If your shirts still fit (even tightly) it isn't so far off from your pre baby weight to be unmanageable. My sis-in-laws weight was always a little higher till her youngest started walking(running!).

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