How do other religions compare with Jw?

by Fisherman 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fullofdoubtnow

    How about verbal attacks, shunning, and gossip? The JW's are no less cruel in this department than regular people.

    I completely agree with you jgnat. If anything, the jws are worse in this department than most people, as they claim to be imitators of Christ in their conduct. I don't recall him gossipping or shunning people, he was just the opposite

    The jws may not physically attack people, but they know how to beat people in a psychological way, which can have far more lasting consequences than a physical beating for those it's directed at.

  • Fisherman

    Jgnat, Welcome to this thread!

    Well, I agree. Jws seem to be the same if compared to other religions with respects to gossip verbal attacks, and shunning. On the other hand, sticks and stones shall break my bones but words shall never harm me

    Now regarding physical attacks and caniving with the goverment, I am sure if anyone wanted to they could get the sources and references them selves without any help and after thoroghly researching this matter objectivley they could come whatever conclusion they wished to on this.

  • Abandoned

    Now regarding physical attacks and caniving with the goverment, I am sure if anyone wanted to they could get the sources and references them selves without any help and after thoroghly researching this matter objectivley they could come whatever conclusion they wished to on this.

    For example, one exhaustive search might lead people to realize that the governing body of jehovah's witnesses directed their spiritual brothers in Malawi to be abused, raped, and murdered for simply not accepting a small card while directing their spiritual brothers in Mexico to go ahead and bribe the officials so they wouldn't have to put up with the same kind of treatment.

    This would either suggest gross hypocrisy on the part of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses or that the governing body of jehovah's witnesses were in need of some real, physical persecution to keep the worldwide brethren fired up. So, is it hypocrisy, criminal malfeasance, or both?

  • Fisherman

    Abandoned, you did not mention the jw wwii martyrs in Germany. I have wondered if it was necessary for those bros to die. Now wt policy has changed as to voting. New light. They should have seen thing back then. I agree, it seems to me that was a mistake, yet in comarison to other religions I have never seen jws physically attack other religions or canive with governement. How much did you research?

  • mrsjones5
    As a Jw I saw ...(like) other religions, ritualism, insignificant ceremoniies, unecessary restrictions, erroneous Bible interpretations, doctrines and teachings, and hateful conspiracy(ies)

    Yep, that's what I saw so I left. I think I'm in a better place at my church now.


  • parakeet

    "But jws dont canive to get people locked up..."

    Alternative military service was not acceptable to the WTS until recently; as a result, many JWs in WWII and the Vietnam war were imprisoned for refusing alternative service.

    "...or killed...."

    How many JWs have died because of the blood transfusion prohibitions as well as earlier organ transplant and vaccination bans? How many are still at risk?

    "... and they dont attack other people and injure them or kill them as other religions do to jws"

    In Malawi, JWs were attacked because of a WT political-card prohibition that applied only to JWs in Malawi. In Mexico, the WTS quietly approved JWs obtaining military service cards to avoid governmental sanctions. And let's not forget that the only thing holding JWs back from killing and injuring others is that they're eagerly hoping their god will do the bloody work for them. They positively salivate at the thought of the imminent and violent destruction of six billion people.

    Organized religion in general has been guilty of many wrongs, but JWs are not the shining exception to the rule.

  • jgnat

    Fisherman, you are the one making outrageous claims. You have the burden of proof. In my own study of religions I find very few that advocate violence to their fellow-man. Here are some denominations and organizations doing good work throughout the world.

    I'd say all these organizations are more productive, helpful, kind, and effective than the Witnesses. Conspiracy? Prove it!

  • Fisherman

    outrageous is a personal conclusion and burden shifts to prove the conclusion. Public info. If people would only do the work.

    Usama is reputed to be a philanthropists and humanitarian, allegedly built schools hopitals etc.

    Policy of jws is not to go around injuring people or caniving with gov to get other movenets stopped.

  • mrsjones5

    Pot callin the kettle black Fisherman. You started this topic. If you want props do your work and show us some proof, like they said above or else it's all your opinion and hearsay.


  • Fisherman

    Lets make sure we see this clearly. Jws are not held at gunpoint to choose not to buy polital cards or to remain jws. The fault lies not with jws or anyone that wishes to believe in what he likes, but in the persecutors and the opressors that do the killing and harming. It seems that jws are being blamed for being denied freedom.

    Wts does not disclose all of the facts, but on his prima facie argument I also don't see the need to be killed or tortured when other reasonable options are available, but only to avoid harm. On the other hand, it is an outrage for a person to be forced to compromise.

    I think that the perspectives and arguments posted by parakeet and abandoned are valuable contributions to the objective comparison between jws and other religions because they note that leadership policy or interpretation resulted in deaths and harm to its memebers. Without all of the fact or a wts defense on this though, it seems to me that those policies were in error and in pains me that those bros had to suffer so much. I yield to the subsatnce of what these posters have said, even with this concession however, do not confuse resulting harm to jws by their persecutors as a consequence of their choices and the involvement or direct partcipation in physical harm to others by religions.

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