What Do People Hate Most About JWs???

by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    My husband hates any religion that comes to his door and challenges his religion. He says they have no right interrupting his day to try and get him to leave his religion and become "one of those drones". His words not mine.

    I don't 'hate' JWs, but I do think their smug self-righteousness is very wearying to the soul.

  • JWdaughter

    Fullofdoubtnow said: "Also, the way they think they have control over people, even when they leave. I remember being told by the po after I had handed my da letter in that I have a duty to infform any jw who tried to speak to me of my status as da'd so that they don't try to pursue a conversation with me. Needless to say, I haven't complied, but I think just about everyone around here knows now"

    I agree that that arrogance is infuriating. We owe them NOTHING other than courtesy and human decency-like any other person. We should be able to expect the same. I'm not even disfellowshipped and I get that from current JWs. I have no obligation to tell anyone they have a reason or a right to ignore me. I usually tell them I was raised as one, and leave the conversation open. Since I wasn't baptised, many aren't quite sure if they should ignore me or not-till I tell them how I 'really' feel about the organization.

  • M.J.

    Most people don't know enough about them to have much of an opinion, other than the fact that they are annoying. I didn't like them because I couldn't fathom how they could justify letting everyone else fight for their right to live in a stable democracy.

  • Phil

    Does the local KH "mark" certain homes as undesirable for all to know. I enjoyed the confrontations I had with the JWs that came to my front door. I would get them off the subject they wanted to persue by adding just plain common sense. THey would quickly excuse themselves and leave. Works every time. I haven't had any visits recently, I was wondering if my home has been tagged as undesirable or whatever they would call it,

  • joe_black

    Most persons I have heard say that the knocking is what irritates them the most......personally what I can't stand is when something goes wrong in their lives or in the world they automatically blame it on Satan. Have they ever heard the term SH#T HAPPENED,SH$T HAPPENS and SH%T will continue to HAPPEN for a very long time!!....get over it man!

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    What I hate most is that they are POSERS

    poser:definition; a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not

  • smellsgood

    "I think most "worldly" people consider JWs a nusiance---especially on a Saturday morning! They HATE being bothered by peddlers at their door.

    Some people can't stand the Witnesses' smugness and self righteous attitude. There are lots of reasons people strongly dislike Jehovah's Witnesses. Can you think of some reasons????"

    From my perspective as never having been one, You all WERE considered ANNOYING, strange, bothersome, wacky, just everything that the WT IS. Nobody really gave much thought to it as far as I could tell, most don't know details about the Witnesses, they just know enough that they wish to avoid being bothered by one. Any non-witness who sees their literature has got to be bemused/amused/weirded out. The way the word their sentences is in a class of its own.
    The members of the worldwide brotherhood are so happified!

    I personally am bothered most by the CLOTHES THEY WEAR! Oh my gosh. I saw some recently, and it was optically terrorizing.

  • minimus

    Yes, JWs are easy to figure out! They all have "that look". Fake joy. They are the most irritating people because even "reasoning from the scrirtures" is impossible to do with an unreasonable person.

  • Jobees

    Phil, they do. It's called a 'do not call'. Or whatever, it's been awhile. From what I remember the elders would make the decision to put you down as a 'do not call.' It takes a lot to get you there, though. i.e. physical or verbal abuse, huge dog, telling them to never come back, or else... that sort of stuff

  • reneeisorym

    I hate that they don't think!.. No matter what you do or say, they just will NOT think logically. .. I could go on and on with this one.

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