I no longer go to Church

by KW13 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    At the moment i believe in God but i no longer attend Church, infact its been some months since i last went and i've never felt more sure of myself as a person.

    The view i take at the moment is that when i left the witnesses, i immediately went to seek out something that would organize my life but give me the control for a while. Even at Church i saw people 'hooked' but the sad thing was, their entire faith crumbled away from the Church or if for example the Priest (Vicar) wasn't there.

    I think it was an important part of my journey which helped me get where i am, and i think a lot of folks who leave the ORG who need something to fill their time and want friends quickly, should try it IF its what they need, it was what i needed at that time.

    On the whole, i have a problem with Organized religion now, whereas last year and earlier this year i woulda said different.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Hi Karl,

    It is all part of your journey. I think that it is great that you felt ready to join a church, and that you now feel ready to carry on without attending. Even better, you can visit if you feel like it without being shunned or given a guilt trip.


  • diamondblue1974
    On the whole, i have a problem with Organized religion now, whereas last year and earlier this year i woulda said different.

    I knew you would come round to my way of thinking. Glad you can now see organised religion for what it is.


  • KW13

    Hi Karl,

    It is all part of your journey. I think that it is great that you felt ready to join a church, and that you now feel ready to carry on without attending. Even better, you can visit if you feel like it without being shunned or given a guilt trip.


    thank you, i agree - i can speak to the ones from that Church without them judging me

    I knew you would come round to my way of thinking. Glad you can now see organised religion for what it is.

    Your a bad influence

  • Crumpet

    Its what ever feels right for you at the time. I wish you the very best whichever path you choose. Its been so interesting reading some of your religious threads and investigative stories along the way. Its also sweet reading knowing you have your mum's best interests at heart at all times. Keep exploring and keep your comments and thoughts coming! (just keep your man flu to yerself you hear!)

  • Mary

    Have no fear Karl......I'm starting my own religion up and you can join us. I'm gonna be one of them thar TV Evangelists who fleece the flock, heal people and make 'em faint. I'll get my uncle to help too, cause he's crazier than me. I'll be requiring 10% of all your projected income for the next 40 years with double and triple tithes somewhere in between.


  • lovelylil


    I feel exactly the same way you do. I am currently anti religious organization. I made the same mistake too and joined a bible study group right out of the WT. But because of what I learned in the WT my eyes were more open and I was able to see right away that my new group had some of the same characteristics that I did not like in the Tower.

    I like to listen to the Plain Truth Ministries www.ptm.org where I can hear bible sermons when I want and am not confined to a certain building. The motto in this ministry is faith without the religion. Greg Albrehct has written some good books too like Bad News Religion. This man came out of the old World Wide Church of God which is just as cultic as the WT.

    Anyway, I know many have found churches they like. I found a few too but I felt like I was giving up control of my life to others and do not want to do that any more. I feel all the information we need is in the bible itself and we can approach God anywhere, anytime. Religion is a creation of men and is often used to dominate other men.

    Since breaking away from institutionalized religion I feel so much better, I feel free and amazingly much more spiritual than before. My faith is not confined any longer to the interpretation of others. I can feel free to read whatever books I want by whatever church I want. I've also read books written by Jewish Rabbis, Ghandi and others and have really opened up my mind for the better. I understand other people's beliefs more now and am not so narrow minded to believe I have all the truth or that my version of truth is better than anyone elses. Good luck in your search for what is right for you. Lilly

    P.S. The biggest thing I learned that had the most impact on me is that the body of Christ are the believers in him and have nothing to do with a church denomination or building. You can be "in Christ" and not attend any man made church. For those who like the weekly fellowship - I am certainly not against that either. Just that for me, it is unnecesarry to my faith.

  • moshe

    Organized religion does much good for society as a whole and has helped many people get through rough times. Singles groups, senior citizen organizations, preschool and daycare - all can be found in organized religions. Now when it gets down to providing the truth about a creator and how to worship him, that's when it gets sticky.

  • delilah

    Hiya Karl!! I think there a lot of people who do have that spiritual need. They need to go to a church, but I'm not one of them. Coming out of the borg, I do not want to become a "slave" to any other oganized religion, again. I do believe in God, but I don't feel like I have to go to a church in order to worship Him. Just my thoughts.

    Psstt....Karl....stay away from the church of Mary....she will fleece you good...with her charm and wit....she's dangerous boy!

  • KW13
    Its what ever feels right for you at the time. I wish you the very best whichever path you choose. Its been so interesting reading some of your religious threads and investigative stories along the way. Its also sweet reading knowing you have your mum's best interests at heart at all times. Keep exploring and keep your comments and thoughts coming! (just keep your man flu to yerself you hear!)

    Yep, i am concentrating on me, megan and my family. I will keep posting my current thoughts e.t.c its nice to know folks care (i will send the man flu thingty over)

    Have no fear Karl......I'm starting my own religion up and you can join us. I'm gonna be one of them thar TV Evangelists who fleece the flock, heal people and make 'em faint. I'll get my uncle to help too, cause he's crazier than me. I'll be requiring 10% of all your projected income for the next 40 years with double and triple tithes somewhere in between.


    LOL nah its ok mary, i need my money for megan who will prolly spend 90% and i need at least 10%


    I feel exactly the same way you do. I am currently anti religious organization. I made the same mistake too and joined a bible study group right out of the WT. But because of what I learned in the WT my eyes were more open and I was able to see right away that my new group had some of the same characteristics that I did not like in the Tower.

    I like to listen to the Plain Truth Ministries www.ptm.org where I can hear bible sermons when I want and am not confined to a certain building. The motto in this ministry is faith without the religion. Greg Albrehct has written some good books too like Bad News Religion. This man came out of the old World Wide Church of God which is just as cultic as the WT.

    Anyway, I know many have found churches they like. I found a few too but I felt like I was giving up control of my life to others and do not want to do that any more. I feel all the information we need is in the bible itself and we can approach God anywhere, anytime. Religion is a creation of men and is often used to dominate other men.

    Since breaking away from institutionalized religion I feel so much better, I feel free and amazingly much more spiritual than before. My faith is not confined any longer to the interpretation of others. I can feel free to read whatever books I want by whatever church I want. I've also read books written by Jewish Rabbis, Ghandi and others and have really opened up my mind for the better. I understand other people's beliefs more now and am not so narrow minded to believe I have all the truth or that my version of truth is better than anyone elses. Good luck in your search for what is right for you. Lilly

    P.S. The biggest thing I learned that had the most impact on me is that the body of Christ are the believers in him and have nothing to do with a church denomination or building. You can be "in Christ" and not attend any man made church. For those who like the weekly fellowship - I am certainly not against that either. Just that for me, it is unnecesarry to my faith.

    Oh cool, i will check that link out. I agree with you, there is no need for a building, a place and other people 'teaching' when we are meant to all be the same. If Jesus died, he died for us all, he wasn't covering some more than others e.t.c

    Organized religion does much good for society as a whole and has helped many people get through rough times. Singles groups, senior citizen organizations, preschool and daycare - all can be found in organized religions. Now when it gets down to providing the truth about a creator and how to worship him, that's when it gets sticky.

    Yeh, i agree they do some good and it helped me, just saying its somethin i dont need anymore - it was a means of getting off the organized religion pill.

    Hiya Karl!! I think there a lot of people who do have that spiritual need. They need to go to a church, but I'm not one of them. Coming out of the borg, I do not want to become a "slave" to any other oganized religion, again. I do believe in God, but I don't feel like I have to go to a church in order to worship Him. Just my thoughts.

    Psstt....Karl....stay away from the church of Mary....she will fleece you good...with her charm and wit....she's dangerous boy!

    i will watch out D', i agree wit' ya. I will stay away from Mary's Church - "Mary had a little Lamb" i dont wanna be a lamb.

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