..Your still an Idiot..

by OUTLAW 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    Let's see. Two hours drive and walk to your place. Two hours drive and walk back. Don't have to talk to anyone - not a soul. Yep, that's a good four hours field misery to report! Was pioneering always that easy in Canada?

    That's exactly what I was thinking. Pop in your favorite CD or book on tape relax enjoy the drive and still be a hero at the KH.

  • Stephanus

    You're not in your old Cong's territory, are you? If not, how the Heck do these cars full of old ladies keep finding you??

  • LuciousJ

    YOU CAN RUN.....BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll bet that was a car group with a pioneer who only needed 4 hours to fulfill the month and what a lazy way to get to that quota! Those were the service days I LOVED! :)

  • LovesDubs

    Are you the only one ON that particular territory card? LOLOL! Big Brother is watching you!

    Your dogs need freer reign on that ranch. :)

  • sspo

    They have so much love in their heart that they will travel to the end of the earth to deliver their message

    or was it that they just needed some easy hours in service?

  • crazyblondeb

    OUTLAW, You are just ssoooooo special!! And I mean, special!!

  • Undecided

    Are you serious, it takes you four hours to go get a beer? A Miller Brewing company is only five minutes from my front door.

    Ken P.

  • avengers

    I live 20 minutes bicycle riding away from Bethel, but they haven't been able to find me with the tract yet.
    Well, I will be leaving for the Great North West this Friday, so if they don't hurry up I won't get one.

    Maybe I can have yours?


    p.s. How long would it take to get to your place from Seattle? no not on the bicycle, but by car.


    Delilah..Yes,we have rattle snakes here.....Steph..I wouldn`t mind a car load of ladys breaking down here..LOL!!.....Undecieded..Beer isn`t that far away..I can get to the general store and home in 1hour..You have a brewery next to your house!..???..Will you adopt me?..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • BizzyBee
    They probably had a couple of gallons of coffee with them................

    If so, they had to either be catheterized or brought a urinal. Other possibilities are too unpleasant to contemplate............but at least we know they had plenty of TP in their book bags!

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