JW video e-mail File

by seek2find 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    That's just nauseating.

    Pardon me while I go listen to some Slayer to purify my brain.

    ~luv, jojo

  • ButtLight

    Who made that video, the jw's?

  • seek2find

    A JW, but not the org. seek2find

  • Leolaia

    Never would I have thought I'd see the collapse of the WTC set to such cheery music.

    BTW, they forgot to include a few scriptures!

    "The Most HighSatan rules over the kingship of men and confers it to anyone he wishes" (Daniel 4:32).

    "There is no authority except that which GodSatan has established. The authorities that exist have been established by GodSatan" (Romans 13:1).

    "Jesus ChristSatan, who is ... the ruler of the kings of the earth" (Revelation 1:5).

    Seriously, tho, doesn't the Society teach that Jesus became king and brought Gentile domination to an end in 1914? Don't they say things like:

    *** w66 10/15 p. 614 What Has God’s Kingdom Been Doing Since 1914? ***

    There can be no mistake about it that in 1914 the time came for a universally important announcement to be made and heard throughout the invisible heavens, the reverberations of which were finally to be picked up here at the earth, not by means of radio telescopes but by means of the invisible active force of God operating upon his people. No announcement could be greater than that announcement that was actually heard and then recorded in these inspired words:

    "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever."

    So isn't Jesus really the "ruler of the world"? Or has he just allowed Satan to continue ruling with his kind permission for nearly 100 years?

  • JWdaughter

    That was rather cruel, and accomplished nothing.

  • seek2find

    Leolaia, I like the points you bring out. The thing that disturbs me the most is that JWs aren't supose to listen to any religious music that is not put out by the Society, but in this case, It's OK because it serves a purpose that glorifies the JW view. It's sickning. I have been finding much comfort and spirtual encouragement in Christian Music, that I never was allowed to listen to before. It's opened a whole new world to me that I never knew that existed. seek2find PS along the lines of Christian music, I was really impressed by the CD/DVD combo set called "Lifesong live" by Casting Crowns

  • geevee

    Nothing would surprise me with this. Just watched it on youtube.........what a load of BS. Some dub who thinks he is gaining a few armageddon points, and lotsa dubs would pass on a link to their friends thinking they are doing a wonderful thing. More hypocisy, that's all. At least the follow up suggestions on youtube are not that complimentary!!

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