Is there Racial harmony among the JWs?

by Amazing 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8


    These are quotes from Christian publications. Are they are a good example of Christian love?
    “…the white race exhibits some qualities of superiority over any other …”

    [paraphrased] Christians should not speak to people rejecting church teachings, even family.

    [regarding rape] “…if a Christian woman does not cry out and does not put forth every effort to flee, she would be viewed as consenting...[and guilty of sin]”
    “… man is advantaged by a greater brain size…it is in the best interests of both sexes for man to take the lead … women must learn the art of ‘eternal acquiescence’ … in dealing with their husbands if they want to find happiness.

    [paraphrased] Jews are selfish, evil, and godless.

    “… women make monkeys … of men.”

    [paraphrased] Victims of rape and child molestation must accuse their rapists face to face; he is innocent unless there are 2 witnesses to the rape.

    “Instead of being against the principles advocated by the government of [Nazi] Germany, we stand squarely for such principles…”

    “… reading matter distributed to a colored congregation would … be utterly wasted...”

    [paraphrased] Doctors are dangerous, incompetent, evil Jews like those who crucified Christ.

    "…the commercial Jews of the British-American empire have carried on Big Business as a means of exploiting and oppressing the people....concerning the city of New York....'the Jews own it, the Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills.'"

    “… the head of a woman is the man … the husband is directed to assign his wife honor as to a weaker vessel … He may give her first choice when no issue is at stake … She listens to him, does not always strive to get her way … not trying to dominate her husband...”

    “… [A woman] should never forget that … her career is caring for the … well-being of her family … if she had responsibilities of oversight … her health would suffer.”

    [paraphrased] God is happy when you refuse lifesaving medical care for your children.

    “… the greater intelligence and aptitude of the Caucasian … this was evidently … under divine control. … co-mingling of the various tribes … would not equally brighten their intellects …”


    Watchtower 7/15/1902
    Kingdom Ministry 8/2002; Watchtower 9/15/1981, 4/1/1986
    Watchtower 1/15/1964; [Comment: Awake 3/8/1974 says JW rape victims who wear revealing clothing or who don’t struggle are to have their sin announced to the congregation and to be ritually shunned.]
    Awake 8/22/1967
    Vindication 1932; Golden Age 2/23/1927
    Vindication 1931
    Watchtower 11/1/1995; Awake 10/8/1991; Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock, Unit 5
    God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years 1973, quoting a letter the publishers wrote to Hitler in 1934; See also a JW’s statement of seeing Swastika flags being displayed and the National Anthem being played in Nazi Germany’s Watchtower Society Headquarters. M.J. Penton, “A Story Of Attempted Compromise”, quoting Konrad Franke, a Jehovah’s Witness; See also Watchtower 11/1/1983 [Comment: The Watchtower Society expels members for displaying flags or playing patriotic music.]
    Watchtower 4/15/1900
    Golden Age, 9/23/1936, 9/26/1934, 7/24/1929 [Illustration: A Watchtower publication portrays physicians as evil, dangerous, and plotting to harm people.]
    1934 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses
    Watchtower 8/1/1999
    Awake 8/22/1967
    Awake 5/1994, How Can Blood Save Your Life brochure [Illustration: A Watchtower publication boasts about children who died for refusing medical care.]
    Watchtower 7/15/1902

  • chiddy

    The simple fact is why did it take unti 2005 for a negro to become a member of the G/B ?nuff said!

  • OnTheWayOut
    The simple fact is why did it take unti 2005 for a negro to become a member of the G/B ?nuff said!

    We felt that they would feel uncomfortable with us, so we kept looking for an OREO.


    Racism is alive and well in the JW`s..Some veil it,some are out spoken about it in front of their own race..Been there,seen it..It`s not an isolated incident..This thread proves it..So do the other threads by other posters,on this same subject...OUTLAW

  • BluesBrother

    Everybody may have had differing experiences in their own community . All I can say is that around here I have always found the dubs to be totally free from Race discrimination.

    I can immediately think of several mixed race couples who married within the WTS. It is a common sight at the London assemblies and would not raise an eyebrow. I know a local elder who has a black ,coloured, Afro-Caribbean , dark (whatever the hell you want to call her) wife. When we considered the men for appointments in the cong. it was not ever an issue.

    I accept also that congregations are only drawn from the local community and that things can differ in different places. The WT ,as I recall, has advised that it is wiser to select a marriage partner from the same cultural background in order to minimise differences, but there is no discouragement of mixed race marriage if the couple want to go ahead.

  • Stealth
  • Stealth

    I grew up in a city of about 40,000 that was very racial. If a black family moved into the city limits they would be run out one way or another. In some cases, their houses were set on fire. This was in the late 60s early 70s. Many of the whites in town I would consider white trash type of people.

    Most all blacks who lived in the area lived in the next town over (on the other side of the tracks). The high school that I atteneded did not have a single black student in it's 100 year history, until my senior year a black freshmen student moved in the nearby military housing. Even though the black schools were closer, he attended as the only black student amount hundreds of whites and took alot of crap over it.

    During this time, there were several families who lived in this adjacent town who were JWs and attended the same congregation. From what I can remember, they were well accepted and we did associate and spend time with them outside the kingdom hall. I saw no racisim at this time.

    However, several years later, after I moved away, almost the entire population of black families moved out of the congregation and started attending another that took 3 times longer to get there. The town where most of these JW lived was then moved to the territory of the congregations that they switched to.

    Once that happened, I have been to my old congreation many times and there is not a single black JW there. My father was an elder at the time, so I will have to ask him what the scoop was on why they all left.

  • mouthy

    a black freshmen student moved in the nearby military housing. Even though the black schools

    Boy In MY opinion HE was a Hero....

  • itsallgoodnow

    It's interesting what Amazing said about racism in Houston. I'm guessing it was the Bellaire congregation, since that area of town contains many Jewish people, or at least it did before. I went to that cong once and it was said to me in so many words that things would not be so great for me there socially because I'm not from texas originally.... BUT (this is the good part) at least I'm not black.


    IMO - it's the older crowd. Mostly the congregations that have been around a really long time still have these people who hate blacks, mexicans and yankees. Eventually they will die out for good and most of these places have been taken over by a younger crowd, because the older parts of town are pretty much where all the wealthier young people want to live. That doesn't mean they haven't been brought up with these weird ideas about race and true Texan-ness, but I'm sure it helps.

  • Anitar

    I'm not sure about racism. I know I hate the "fruit basket" people Joe Black mentioned. The JWs are just like everyone else when it comes to racism, maybe worse. Although they pretend not to, they have social stratafication (meaning class distinctions) in their organization too, it just depends on the location.

    I feel weird saying this, but for some reason if I spot an African American JW, I feel more pity for them than the whites. Not because I'm racist, but in essence they should know better because of all the sufferering their people have endured in history. It would be like a Native American working for King George 3rd or Rosa Parks's granddaughter actually getting off the bus when the white people tell her too. But I guess anyone can be brainwashed reguardless of their race. I hope that makes sense.


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