What makes you happy to be alive?

by restrangled 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    It makes me happy to be alive and free to do what I want within reason.

    I feel free every morning when I wake up next to my boyfriend and know I don't have to worry about what anyone thinks of me for being there.


    It`s the same thing that makes every Canadian happy to be alive..

  • katiekitten

    Going to sleep on an afternoon in a room with the sun streaming in the windows and onto my face.

    Also, I drive to work through two ancient villages which still have 'commons' where people graze animals. The commons are flat areas at the top of a hill with views over the 5 Stroud valleys, and there are ancient breeds of cows wandering all over the road. Its a truly AWESOME view, and the cows make me laugh like a drain every morning. Im so lucky to be able to drive through there twice a day. Every day the weather is different and the sky is a magnificent painting. It makes me happy to be alive.

  • OpenFireGlass

    If you look in my "topic history" and check out my "photo" threads, I think you'll figure it out...

    PEACE, Mike

  • BizzyBee

    If you look in my "topic history" and check out my "photo" threads, I think you'll figure it out...

    PEACE, Mike

    Dope? Kidding!

  • OpenFireGlass

    Yes, I love it when people can kid with me.. makes me happy...

  • kerj2leev

    NO your not!!

  • love2Bworldly

    My morning coffee with LOTS of flavored cream in it

    My kitty, Baxter

    My 3 teenage kids who are turning out to be wonderful, never have given me heartaches, and I love them SOOOOOO much

  • Twitch

    Sunny days

    Rainy days

    Bringing a smile to someone

    Letting someone make me smile

    Being understood

    Understanding someone else

    Giving something that isn't expected

    Receiving something that isn't asked for

    blue licorice ice cream

  • learntoswim

    NOTHING. i wish i wasn't alive.

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