What's the deal with beards????

by bittersweet 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesertRat

    Once when I was assigned to read the WT lesson, the conductor took me aside during the Public Talk to say that he couldn't use me because of my 'stubble' (???). That is, unless I went home to shave & made it back in time to read the lesson. I was so angry that I simply returned to my seat without a word...while he went off in search of his replacement (i.e., good, obedient robot..)

    Interestingly, the lesson that Sunday included a picture of Jesus & the disciples in all their bearded glory..


  • jayhawk1
    Interestingly, the lesson that Sunday included a picture of Jesus & the disciples in all their bearded glory

    For a time, (1920-30s) pictures of Jesus and faithful men had no beards. It must have been a Rutherford thing.

  • LongHairGal

    Two explanations I heard of:

    One is that beards are supposedly reminiscent of the radical "look" of the 1970s and JWs don't want to put off people with a radical appearance so they decreed that the brothers be clean shaven.

    The second explanation is that because Russell had a beard, his successors (who didn't really like him) didn't want that appearance so therefore they "decreed" no beards.

    JWs differ just for the sake of being different.


  • Finally-Free


    I used to think it was an "unwritten rule" too until I discovered it "written" in the elder book "Pay Attention to Yourselves and the Flock" manual the elders use. I don't know if it is contained in the current version of that manual, but it was in the one I had.


    It doesn't surprise me that the Watchtower would make rules and print them in books that most of its members have no access to. This way, when Joe Publisher challenges an elder, saying a rule has no scriptural precedent, the elder can say, "Oh, the society never said that!" W

  • 24k
    "then there was this big old discussion saying how demons lived in beards and that anyone who had one would probably not become a MS" -- solo

    I seriously almost had a heart attack when I read this solo! I'm still laughing my ass off!

  • Inkie


    The written rule, which the elders in my congregation told me was an unwritten rule and thatnowhere in the publications of the Society was this written, was contained in the Elder manual in the section on how to counsel those who have sinned: (1) by marrying an unbeliever; (2) by celebrating pagan holidays; (3) by brothers wearing beards; (4) by those who have fornicated; and I don't remember numbers (5) and (6). When I showed the elders their own manual and what it stated in their manual about brothers needing to be counseled for wearing beards, they just sheepishly smiled knowing that they had lied to me and have been found out, and they said: "Yeah, well. . . ." and just shrugged their shoulders. Then they said, "That book is an elder book and you aren't allowed to have it. Please return it to the body of elders--to us." I said: "No. I inherited this manual from my uncle-in-law who had died and when I received his publications as an inheritance this elders' manual was among them. I'm not going to surrender it to you. It's mine and I intend to keep it." They looked pissed and hurt that I refused to surrender it. I then wrote to the Society and called them on this elder manual and what it said about those wearing beards needing to be counseled for this supposed organizationally-legislated sin. The Society never responded.


  • SPAZnik

    beards are sexy and might potentially stumble someone

  • mrsjones5

    It's a made up rule used to control. I'm amazed they haven't gone all the way and required the rank and file to keep their pubic area nicely shaved and trimmed. Oh, and we must not forget underarms and hairy legs on the sisters. Just imagine the elders coming to your house and counceling you on all that extra hair on your body. We must keep the congregation clean and hair-free! Oh brother!

  • OnTheWayOut
    What did the elder book say?

    I turned in my elder book just over a month ago. It says nothing about facial hair. It's not a complete rulebook. Generally, where I have been, a brother would be counseled over and over, and if he kept his beard, he would never have any cong. privileges. A Bible student would be expected to shave it off before baptism questions were covered- no room for wavering there.

    It is antiquated rules that need to be changed.

  • youcanhaveago

    Why would Almighty God give men facial hair if its a bad thing ?

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