In the big scheme of things, Jesus'....

by SixofNine 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • MegaDude


    Second that recommendation on "Last Temptation of Christ." Great film.

  • JW72

    Put it this way, if your Dad is GOD, the rest is a piece of piss!!!
    It's in the bag!!

    Suffering or not, it's IN THE BAG!!


  • lisaBObeesa

    "Put it this way, if your Dad is GOD, the rest is a piece of piss!!!
    It's in the bag!!

    Suffering or not, it's IN THE BAG!!"

    Yes, I think that was the point of the whole thing. No matter how much people make you suffer or hurt you, if God's you can be overcome....even death.

    Again, no intent to convert or annoy...etc and so on...

  • AlanF

    To Megadude,

    : if you could drop the attitude, I would like to have a serious discussion.

    I've given you plenty of arguments. You'll find that if you deal with the arguments rather than persisting in your inept perception of my attitude, you'll get a real discussion. You have yet to present a single actual argument in response to my posts.

    Every time you ignore arguments and focus on personalities, you prove yourself in the braindead Fundy camp, like RexB13, who is so far gone that he thinks the universe was created a few thousand years ago.


  • MegaDude


    my perception of your attitude is crystal clear. You're a pissed-off angry ex-fundy or cultist with an ax to grind. I would respond to your other ramblings, but it's clear you are too emotionally bent to discuss the issues without going on a "bender." I got tired of that long ago when talking to Jehovah's Witnesses. Very tired. You still have the personality of a Dub. You're just not in a cult anymore.

    No, I don't believe the universe was created a few thousand years ago the way the Dubs taught it. Or the way some fundies teach it now.

  • AlanF

    Whatever you say, FundyDude.


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Finally, a honest soul who doesn't kowtow to Alan's arrogant image of his own learning (yet who has no degree applicable to his claims)! No sheepskin, yet he's an expert on everything he talks about.
    Hey Alan, have the evolutionists made any new Piltdown skulls lately or fashioned any drawing of 'ancient man' from a pig's tooth? LOL
    Have they destroyed any dinosaur and man footprints found together?
    Have they fit together any pile of bones found miles apart and at different strata lately?
    Probably not,they are still trying to figure out the development of organs in a 'miraculously' short time frame without using the obvious word!!!!
    Have a nice life,

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Ending Cygnus the Sick's slanderous assertions:

    Of course, you're either too stupid or too arrogant to admit you are wrong, nothing new there.

  • teejay


    Jesus' experience of human death seems no more significant than it would be if the CEO of some large company decided to "slum" and see how the other half lives, by getting a minimum-wage job at McDonald's for a week, get fired, and go back to making 7 figures the next day.

    Excellent analogy, Chuckster. Reminds me of a discussion I had years ago where someone told me that I couldn't spend the weekend downtown as a homeless person and know what it was like.

    After thinking about it, he was right.

    So are you.



    Many of you need to see the movie "The Last Temptation of Christ." Judas didn't want to betray Jesus. Jesus consoled him when Judas said, 'I don't want to do it.'

    Saw the movie. Loved the movie.

    Still, it is a movie. Whether one believes in the bible, Jesus, or any of the rest, Last Temptation is only a movie.

  • Winston

    Isn't it funny how everbody has different sets of facts, and how they all claim to be right?

    Well I just beleive.

    I'm not a scientist I don't claim to be very smart. I don't have the ability to pour over many many books and study at this or that university, I'm about as regular as they come.

    So each side has its facts, so I say to myself with my very limited education and book learning, "I think its better to beleive in God and Jesus it makes more sense to me"

    I think things that God does are very difficult to explain we only have lived a few years, maybe if we live 5 billion years are veiws change and we see!

    Thats my $.02 I don't want to convert nobody yet, maybe someday when I'm smarter.

    How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?
    1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to .000000000000000000000000000000001
    Who is like God?

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