But what if they're right............still the Truth?

by ScoobySnax 126 Replies latest social family

  • riverofdeceit
    Did you really LOVE all your brothers and sisters?
    I usually did love sisters
    Were your thoughts humble and pure, chaste and righteous?

    haha... Hilarious. Anyhow scoob, after all you have seen that they do have wrong what is it exactly that you are looking for? What would it take for you to realize that they don't have the truth? Seroiusly. Let's say you for some reason believe the bible. Clearly they have some f#&*ed up interpretations of scriptures. They have made false prophecies which would in turn make them "false prophets". It don't take a genius to figure that out. Do they have to come right out and say "Well, I guess we were wrong. Sorry bout that. Turns out what we thought was holy spirit was just some really good hash."????? That ain't gonna happen. I would really like to know, what would it take to realize that they do not have the truth?

  • BabaYaga

    Jeezus gods kerYST, ScoobySnax...

    Do you ENJOY making yourself feel like shite?

    Let me put it this way... JEHOVAH LOVES YOU EXACTLY AS YOU ARE, and HIS so-called "Witnesses" DO NOT. Who are you trying to kid? Do something for your self-esteem, quit making things difficult for yourself.

    You can believe the parts that you feel are true and not have to live with their bullshit. Active Witnesses are not allowed to do that. Look, Man, Jehovah is bigger than they think he is. Don't you see that?

    Strength to you. You have plenty of strength inside of you already, that is apparent by the fact taht you left and lived your life, now for gods' sake, love yourself, dammit.

    The ashes on your head do not become you.

  • reneeisorym

    I personally believe that they have it all wrong but the important matter is this:

    I think that what Jehovah's Witnesses fail to realize is that eternal life is a free gift.

    Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus or Lord."

    Its not something that can be earned or deserved.

    Eph. 2:8-9 "For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith -- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works so that no one can boast"

    No amount of good works can earn a person eternal life because, like any gift, it is free.

    Its like if a friend gives you a car. If you felt like you should give her what money you had for it.. say $200.. it would no longer be a gift. The $200 would be an insult. If you give even a penny, you just got a really good deal on a car -- not a gift.

    Its the same with eternal life.

  • reneeisorym

    I personally believe that they have it all wrong but the important matter is this:

    I think that what Jehovah's Witnesses fail to realize is that eternal life is a free gift.

    Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus or Lord."

    Its not something that can be earned or deserved.

    Eph. 2:8-9 "For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith -- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works so that no one can boast"

    No amount of good works can earn a person eternal life because, like any gift, it is free.

    Its like if a friend gives you a car. If you felt like you should give her what money you had for it.. say $200.. it would no longer be a gift. The $200 would be an insult. If you give even a penny, you just got a really good deal on a car -- not a gift.

    Its the same with eternal life.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Getting back to the original question: 'What if they are right?'

    I am becoming an atheist so the way I see it there are 4 main possibilities.

    Option 1: They are wrong and I am an atheist. Result: I will live a normal life, meet nice friends who don't care about my religion, maybe have exiting adventures, watch the movies I like, spend Sundays Thursdays and Tuesdays doing something fun or usefull, have sex, play Final Fantasy, donate blood just for the heck of it, and then die, hopefully happy. That's it.

    Option 2: They are right and I am an atheist. Result: Result: I will live a normal life, meet nice friends who don't care about my religion, maybe have exiting adventures, watch the movies I like, spend Sundays Thursdays and Tuesdays doing something fun or usefull, have sex, play Final Fantasy, donate blood just for the heck of it, and then die, hopefully happy. That's it. OR I will live a normal life for a while and then die in armageddon, if it happens to come in my lifetime. Which is very unlikly.

    Option 3: They are right and I am a witness. Result: I will live a horrible life untill the end. Then I will live in paradise under the direction of a god who just killed my grandparents. I will live forever gardening and enjoying nature... No TV or video games. No cars, computers, meat, soda, varying ideas, or pretty much anything a modern human enjoys.

    4: They are wrong and I am a witness. Result: I will live a horrible life, trying to convert unbelievers, every single day wondering when the end will come, getting old, or worse yet dying from an accident because I can't take blood. Laying in a hospital bed in misery thinking of myself in paradise, instead of my family who will probably have turned apostate years ago, and I will have shunned for years. Then I'll die and the ones who knew me won't even mourn my death because they mistakenly believe they'll see me again... Plus I was a boring human anyway.

    So in conclusion... I am completely convinced they are wrong... But even if they're right I don't want any part of it.

  • BabaYaga

    hahahahaha!!! I LOVED your diatribe, LtCmd.Lore!!!

  • HappyDad

    Scooby.............. You've had this WHAT IF problem for quite awhile now........haven't you? Maybe you should FINALLY make a yes or no decission. Hanging in the middle is not good for your emotional and psychological health. This goes for anyone else who has been on this forum for YEARS and still wondering why and what! If you can't make a choice because of family or whatever............you will suffer inside forever.........or until the axe swings. The facts have been laid out here on JWD and many other web sites. I can only hope you get on with your life and a happy one at that. HappyDad

  • bjc2read

    Hi Scooby,

    I just wanted to commend you on your bravery in posting such a thought-provoking question on JWD. Actually, contrary to the overwhelming response given so far on this topic, I too agree with you that the Jehovah's witnesses do indeed, have a fundamental bank of basic bible "Truths" that seemingly sets them apart from all other religions. In our bible study group, we've found about 40 of them, actually. (See link below)

    Anyway, you may be surprised to know that you are not completely alone in your thinking, as I myself and others, have come to and maintained this particular viewpoint of things. And this is in face of the fact, I am fully aware the Watchtower Society's leadership is unquestionably wicked in real-life practice & actions (NGO, Child Abuse situation, ect), as were as their teaching many "man-made" doctrines that led the organization in disrepute and outright opposition to God. In this way, they have made themselves exactly like the wicked Pharisees when leading God's People Israel, Jesus' day. (Matthew 15:8, 9)

    Nevertheless we remember, the Pharisees taught a "basic" truth, so much so that Jesus could confidently say in gist:

    '...do as they say, but NOT as they do.' -- Matthew 23:3

    Having said that, please find below a link that provides a biblical explanation for the "cognitive dissonance" you speak of...namely, Jehovah's witnesses (just like the ancient nation of Israel) possessing some "good" elements within themselves, as well as clear, proven "bad"...AT THE SAME TIME...producing "cognitive dissonance" within most, when they become aware of it.

    Here is the link:


    Hope this helps...


    PS: If you have any further questions you wish to discuss on the above material, please feel free to PM me privately here on JWD.


    Where did Scooby go?..Lets have a vote..Is he at the KIngdom Hall,or a Gay Bar?..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • ScoobySnax

    LOL Outlaw, I had to chuckle at that one!! Here I am Send me or Here I am bend me?? Well who knows!!

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