Disgusting Thing - 3rd attempt.

by proplog2 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ITguy

    Interesting Proplog2. I too was waiting to hear what you might say on the matter. You've added more things to consider as possibilities.

  • proplog2


    I can understand that in YOUR life the JW's loom as a large figure but on a GLOBAL level its very hard to believe that:

    Rev. 18:3 "The traveling merchants of the earth became rich due to JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES shameless luxury"


    Rev. 18:19 "Too bad,too bad the great city, in which all those having boats at sea became rich by reason of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES costliness"


    Rev. 18:23 "JEHOVAH's WITNESSES traveling merchants were the top ranking men of earth."

  • joelbear


    Clearly you are in danger here. I think you should move to Afghanistan.

  • proplog2


    The idea that Babylon the Great is a religious entity is a left-over from the protestant reformation. Early Christians no doubt thought of Rome as Babylon the Great and there are a lot comparisons that work. The Roman Catholic Church was the next logical target.

    Russell and JW's have had many interpretations of Babylon the Great.
    Commercial world, the entire worldly system, Catholic Church and finally ALL religions.

    I suggest you click on the GLOBE/ARROW and check out my web information. I've had over 2,000 hits on the site and no one has tried to give a rebuttal to my arguments against Babylon The GReat being identified as the World Empire of False Religion.

  • logical


    You cannot deny the WTS have placed themselves in the seat of Moses. Therefore, they have placed themselves in a holy place.

  • proplog2

    I would like to clarify something here.

    I am not trying to set myself up as a prophet. I would never want to lose the privacy annonymity grants. I simply want answers from the Watchtower.

    I hope this comes to their attention. I have presented a dilemma to them. It is impossible for them to defend their explanation of Babylon the Great. I have confronted them with the fact that Jesus could only be referring to literal flight. The warning to discern the sign of the disgusting thing standing where it shouldn't is given to Christians so that they can escape. It is not given as one of those prophecies that we will only understand when it is long past. They don't have the luxury of waiting around til the dust settles.

    If this event isn't the sign of the disgusting thing then what would you expect the sign to be? The Watchtower thinks it is the UN attack on Babylon The Great. But Babylon the Great is NOT the world empire of false religion. The disgusting thing serves as a signal to Christians. It has to be significant, frightening, and portentious.
    After the signal of the "disgusting thing" things have to return to a degree of normality during which Christians are to avail themselves of the opportunity to flee.

    Here is my dilemma. If the Watchtower fails to recognize the error of their Babylon the Great interpretation then they most certainly will not act on this "signal". In fact no organization will consider this event as anything more than one of those horrible things humans do.

    In that case I will finally have to acknowledge that the Bible is just a book of non-sense. I DO have a retirement plan.

  • Cygnus

    I have nothing to add to this thread other than the comment that proplog2 is a cool dude.

  • Billygoat

    This is a great thread. Logi - your thoughts have given me food for thought.


  • logical

    Want to know the SCARY thing?

    The Watchtower KNOWS its position, its REAL position in the grand SCHEME of things.

    Expect it to show its true colours, and its not going to be pretty.

  • ballistic

    I like the way you think and sometimes I still look at the bible like an old demon I haven't quite got rid of. But all of what you say is all based on the premise that the bible was written with knowledge from beyond, and it has been reliably translated unto us.
    And, even if this can be taken as true, one has to ask that if there is a God, why would he be so petty as to choose one location over another or discriminate between places where people have no choice to be born, or to discriminate between people having the good fortune of hearing the message or those such as musleums(?) who don't.
    Of course, there are many different opinions here, but me personally, I have come to an understanding that the bible describes an antiquated way of explaining the world which does not stand up to either science or logic and although I treasure the parts of it which promote Christain love, I fail to see how any God of Love could bring about the kind of destruction you are talking about.

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