Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism

by Treborr Jones 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Treborr Jones
    Treborr Jones

    Are you buying into the terrorist attacks? Not me.


  • larc

    Ah yes,

    The ravings of another intelligent paranoid schizophrenic. I hope you follow his advice. It will do you a world of good.

  • Celtic

    Ummmm Seen all this before. Interesting site, will check back to read it properly later.

    The last solar eclipse of the mellemnium occured on August 11 and in my home town Falmouth Cornwall UK, the line of totality was only 2 miles away dead centre. Now there are many who believe that this town is cursed from somewhere in its ancienct celtic pagan past, for the eclipse timing was 11:11am on the 11th August. Make of that what you will.

    I was organising an astromony conference at the time.

    peace - Celtic

  • sf

    "Are you buying into the terrorist attacks?"

    No way!


  • sf

    The only...reason I watched the prayer vigil today, was to get a very good look at "Their Faces of Evil" and to watch closely, their MINDSEYE "wander".

    I am so relieved that I started this "journey" months ago. It HAS been one hell (hahahaha) of a far.

    sKally, thus...WWW klass

  • SixofNine

    Good Lord. What a combination of stupidity and mental illness!

  • NameWithheld2

    Mulder to Scully - can you hear me?

    The greys have defeated the greens on Antorgalthorp. The cows are in the pasture. 11+33 = Quintinix. Be on the lookout for the six fingered man. The space robots are here to protect you. Ignore Pusher, Shover is superior. It is very cold when the sun shines on Pluto. Please acknowledge transmission ...

  • sf
  • msil


  • Satanus


    Well, this shows once again that christians really don't believe or want freedom of religion. You're into the occult, sorry, death and hell for you. It's a good thing the founding fathers: franklin, madison, jefferson and their freind thomas paine weren't christian, there would have been an american fascist christian police state instead of what it is. The founding fathers were dieists, by the way. They were into education. You should get a little bit of it yourself.


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