Do Sex Offender Laws Go Too Far In SOME Cases?

by target 27 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • jstalin

    Hmm... I don't know about the laws in other states, but in Michigan the age of consent is 16, so you can't be prosecuted for having consentual sex with a 16 or 17 year old.

  • Warlock


    The only way to stop the b.s. is for someone like your neighbor to ignore that ruling by gathering his family back together under one roof and telling the court to go to hell.

    He will suffer the consequences, but that is the only way those things will change.

    I don't know if you remember the case of Jim Brown, the ex-football player. He got into an arguement with his wife and got so angry that he broke the windows of his own car. The judge told him he had to go to anger management and Jim told the judge to go to hell, he wasn't going, and to put him in jail instead. He was willing to pay the price.

    Guess what happened? He got neither.


  • Bstndance

    I know the website that lists sex offenders for LA County lists their crime and I think they only post the "serious" ones, meaning the ones that molested children under 14 or rape/aggrivated rape/assault. Yeah, I think blanket laws can be bad. Especially when the list gets in the hand of an over zealous soccer mom.

  • Confession

    An adult whose sexual preference is pre-pubescent children is considered a pedophile.

    An adult who has sex with someone post-pubescent, but under the legal "age of consent," is considered a statutory rapist. (The law generally requires an age margin, as Tex says, of about three years.)

    I'm glad we have laws to protect young ones from each of these, but I'm shocked to find that, apparently, many law enforcement agencies confuse the two. We may not like the idea of nineteen year olds having sex with sixteen year olds, but we can't label him a "pedophile" for doing so.

  • heathen

    I'd have to say yes that is too exstreme . All you have to do is watch some day time TV to see the underage kids are out of control and are sexual predators themselves and love to initiate that kind of contact . If somebody goes after pre puberty kids I'd say different in any case .Strict punishment for them .

  • StormWarrior

    I'm new here, but I couldn't pass this post without replying.
    There has been a media frenzy in the UK for some time now, and the 'establishment' panders to the press every time. The press rules the courts, esp. when it comes to minority persecution. When I was a kid, it used to be 'gays' but now the word "paedophile" has become the new boogy word, replacing 'rape' as the media power word of choice. And it is applied to just about any case they can stretch the facts to fit.

    In the UK the age of consent is 16. Our equivalent of statutory rape is under 13.
    Even though the Law Commission, who was set up to update the law, and had access to all the child protection agencies, made the following recomendation;-

    We therefore further recommend that there should be an age limit below which there is an irrebuttable presumption that a child does not have the capacity to consent to sexual intercourse for the purposes of a charge of rape. This limit should be set at an age below which virtually no child would in fact be capable of consenting to sexual intercourse.

    They added

    "Illustratively, we suggest that it is likely to be something between 9 and 11"

    So the government set it at 13. Guess the going with the experts wouldn't be good for thier image.

    Now I'm not saying I agree with either side of the argument, but the hypocracy of it all, really does make me fume.

  • serendipity

    Welcome storm warrior!

  • mkr32208

    The legal system makes very little since... Never has never will!

  • NowImFree

    I totally believe that the laws need to be changed. They are so unfair. It is not fair to put a 19 year old guy who gets into trouble with his girlfriend who is under 18 in the same catagory as a 40 or 50 year old guy who goes after children. To destroy a young kids life for a bad judgement call when he was just barely an adult himself is crazy.


  • roybatty

    Yes, they took away his OWN kid because he is not allowed contact with ANY children, not even his own, even though his "victim" was 17.

    Hmmmm....something doesn't make sense. I don't believe that sex offenders have their own children taken away. As a matter of fact, sex offenders here in Illinois are barred from being on school grounds unless they're attending a school event that their kids are participating in. I was told this by a police officer because I was coaching my son's football team and one of his teammates has a father who's a sex offender. I spoke with the local police and they told me he was allowed to be at the games.

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