Is becoming a witness the right thing for me

by marketman 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis


    Welcome to the board!

    If you were going to make Any major decision in your life you would look at all the information available.

    I highly recommend doing an independant study on the history of the Bible as well as of the history of the JW's.

    The one thing most of us can warn you about is this:

    If you choose to become one of JW's then you really must understand that once you do so, any friends that you acquire or any family that you bring in, will be obligated to shun you should you at some point choose to leave the religion.

    Please keep in mind that many of the aspects of this religion are very cultish/high control.

    One of the greatest features about this particular db is the Best Of section. I have found excellent information there as well as through the links everyone has provided.


  • avengers

    I honestly believe some of the basic doctrine

    That's the way they trick you. Get as far away as you can from this cult. The Watchtower is the most deceiving of all religions.


    the majority on this website are strongly anti-Witness, to put it mildly.

    to put it very mildly! Wanna put something straight though. I don't hate the witnesses, but the leaders, the ones that know it's not the truth, and keep on splitting families.

  • carla

    True, this site is mostly anti witness. For me? This organization is the most truly evil thing that I have personally come in contact with. Pure evil in all respects.

  • jschwehm


    You might find our website interesting in that we are a group of former JWs who are now Catholic.

    If you have any questions feel free to email me at [email protected]

    Jeff S.

  • Shazard

    Do research before U join. Ask RIGHT questions and demand truthfull answers. Sometimes they want to avoid or without answering does attack on your own church. Don't let them do it, make them answer hard penetrating questions. You can find the questions on internet.

  • LovesDubs

    Most of us here have had our families destroyed, lost contact with our own JW children because the WatchTower Society says once you leave your family, even your OWN KIDS can no longer speak to you or associate with you. Your children wont be allowed to join sports at school, band, have nonJW friends (nor will you), your time will no longer be your own. No more birthdays, no more Thanksgiving, no more Christmas, no more ANY holidays for you and your family. YOu will be required to go to three meetings a week at the Kingdom Hall, go out in door to door preaching work and REPORT what time you spent there to the Society, you will be watched, scrutinized and gossipped about by the other members of the congregation who are all in the same fishbowl you are. Once you are baptized the love bombing that the JWs do to you to get you to join STOPS. Your study conductor is NOT your friend. If you stopped that study tomorrow they would drop you like a hot rock.

    All this talk about paradise, and living forever, and the JWs being the only Christians, the ONLY ones whose prayers God hears...and the ONLY survivors of pure cult.


  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    My recommendation is to go back to the Bible and read it again (new testament) it wont take all that long if you are serious about your future with or without them. See what it really says and then compare to the teachings the witnesses have - you should see some major discrepancies. When reading look for : Paradise, two groups of christians (annointed - not anointed), dates of the end, governing body/organisation etc. Hope your search goes well.

    CS 101

  • Crumpet

    Good advice there cyberdene - simple and straightforward and very helpful without being overwhelming!

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101
    Good advice there cyberdene - simple and straightforward and very helpful without being overwhelming!

    Its cyberdYne !!!!!!!! lol

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    if you need others to make decisions for you, then by all means join, they will do that without hesitation

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