PO said automation and declining contributions reason for Bethel layoffs

by truthseeker 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p

    Here's a recent tidbit straight from the Bethel Office: over 600 people have been sent home so far from the US Branch (includes Wallkill, Patterson, and Brooklyn). Most of the 600 are middle-aged couples. This probably isn't a revelation, I heard an estimate about those who have left, but this ain't no estimate. So already this is about a 10% reduction in labor.

    daniel-p of the still-got-my-connections class

  • lawrence

    Maybe they'll start selling indulgences for those who can't get their 10 hours in. If this doesn't deliver enough, there are always novenas, candles, and "I love Jehovah" t-shirts and wrist bands. How about, "What would Rutherford do?" sweat shirts, with the back of the sweat shrt loudly proclaiming "Drink, and Beat the Flock"

    It's time for gadgets, book bags, and novelty items....

  • blondie
    Perhaps a fee per congregation. Every region with a publishing branch will have to come up with a certain amount of money.

    And how will they compel payment? Since it is voluntary and anonymous, how will they know which publishers gave and which did not? Post a guard at the contribution box? That will encourage donations!

    No, as long as the WTS continues to make it voluntary, they are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    Does someone have that quote where Russell or Rutherford (or both) said that when voluntary contributions stopped they knew God was no longer behind them?


  • Sweetp0985

    why dont they just go on and tithe and get it over with?? they're doing enough "subliminal" begging already...just tithe already...

  • daniel-p
    Does someone have that quote where Russell or Rutherford (or both) said that when voluntary contributions stopped they knew God was no longer behind them?

    That was Russell from the second WT ever published. But no, I don't have the exact quote.

  • jgnat

    You must not muzzle the ox threshing the grain. I am sure WT leadership frequently attribute this scripture for themselves. But the WTBTS frequently forgets that EVERY CONGREGATION MEMBER is a minister of God and needs regular support to keep going. There have been studies conducted that show a correlation between leadership support and congregation health 1 . Misuse the congregation, and they will drop away. If the WTBTS continues to demand more, giving less, contributions and attendance will keep dropping.

    1The Religious Support Scale: Construction,Validation, and Cross-Validation by William E. Fiala, Jeffrey P. Bjorck and Richard Gorsuch

  • jgnat

    From Quotes: http://www.reexamine.org/quotes/donation_arrangement.htm

    *** Awake! 1975 September 8 pp.24-26 Economic Woes Strike the Churches ***

    Economic Woes Strike the Churches


    During more than ninety-six years of publication, The Watchtower has constantly advocated the high principles of Jehovah God, as taught in the Bible. Many persons have been reading The Watchtower for decades. Logically, they have come to appreciate how it directs one's attention to the Bible. True, they, like everyone else, have their share of personal financial problems. But is it not a comfort for them to know that in the local congregation of Jehovah's witnesses they will never be tithed to pay out a percentage of their income? Nor will unscriptural money-raising schemes be imposed on them. It is at the Kingdom Hall that an unobtrusive contribution box is located for use by those who wish voluntarily to give money to support the work of the congregation. Donations mailed to the headquarters of the Watch Tower Society are also unsolicited and entirely voluntary.

    So it appears that the woes that have come upon the churches are not simply the result of current economic problems. Does it not seem to be that they have lost the backing of the people because they no longer pursue spiritual riches, but, rather, material ones? Why give your support to them? Instead, associate with those who are enjoying real and lasting spiritual good.

    (emphasis added)

  • Axelspeed

    This is from that same article.

    Awake! 1975 September 8 pp.24-26 Economic Woes Strike the Churches:

    Well, consider: Back in 1879 in the second issue of The Watchtower (then called Zion's Watch Tower), it was noted:

    "'Zion's Watch Tower' has, we believe, JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support. When He who says: 'All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,' fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication."

  • daniel-p
    it will never beg nor petition men for support

    petition: a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority

    Sounds a lot like that last video all the CO's showed the congregations a few weeks ago.

  • blindersoff
    The last CO visit most congregations got in the US was supplied with a video that basically put on the pressure to donate more.

    Drew. I caught the same drift. What other reason could there be for taking his precious time following the BS to show KH building in poorer countries. Then after we saw how hard they were working making bricks, etc, we should be so glad to contribute in the only way we can --With $$$$$$$$


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