PO said automation and declining contributions reason for Bethel layoffs

by truthseeker 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    sspo - Maybe they want these young ones to come to do menial labor? Don't know; but I don't trust their so called sincerity in any of these changes. They have their interests as heart. Others are merely pawns.

    Compare the WTB$TS to the Catholic church and all ot its holdings. Look at all of the poor in Catholic led countries. Will they sell off any of their riches to aid these people? NO and never have. But yet they decry the state of the poor in the world. They speak out of both sides of their mouths same as the Society. They have their own interests to preserve.


  • sspo

    Well at least the Catholic church has many agencies to help the poor,homeless and more.

    Who do JW help?

  • LovesDubs

    Well I remember when the "contribution" thing started and they stopped "charging"...they told us it was Jehovahs Arrangement but the reality was they were gonna have to pay TAXES on the shit they sold but of course they didnt tell the R&F that. So the crap shoot was on...do they pay the taxes or hope that they can convince the R&F to collect money on what they place out there? And can they count on the mostly poor R&F to turn that money in to the hall? Obviously it isnt working. They stopped mailing the magazines to JWs homes. They started printing paperbacks instead of hard bound books. They pushed heavily for people writing their wills over to the Society instead of to their relatives...they lied to people at the district conventions telling them that the "costs of running the convention werent coming up to what they needed and to FILL THOSE CONTRIBUTION BOXES" when the reality was the money was going to the Society and not the convention expenses. And they did things like illegally charge for parking at rented convention sites where doing so was illegal and against the contract they signed wiht the owners of the site....

    Can you say racketeering?

  • Stealth453

    and a massive decline in contributions.

    Thats what they worry about most. MONEY

  • sspo

    One way to solve the money problem is what they have done in taking care of the expenses of CO or DO, health and car insuranse, thay charge the publishers a flat fee and the congregation has to come up with the money one way or another.

    if you want to be a publisher you will have to pay a yearly fee and and just like the catholic church where at one time you could buy your way to heaven, with the watchtower you could buy a spot in the new system.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings truthseeker,


    That's spin for downsizing or go home we don't need you anymore.


  • blondie

    They can charge a flat fee per publisher and send a letter to the congregation re their "share" but if no one contributes, puts money in the boxes at the KH, what will they use to pay it with? Will the elders have to come up with the money? Will the WTS "sue" each congregation that does not pay this "suggested" amount?

    Publishers are voting with their pocketbook and since the WTS has advertised that this is confidential and voluntary; they can't force people to pay without publicly acknowledging that God is not longer supporting them.

  • willyloman
    Publishers are voting with their pocketbook

    I think so, too.

  • juni

    Also, with the gas prices today and the other daily expenses people cannot afford to donate a lot. Church members don't have to spend time driving around territories and buying literature and assemblies w/accompanying costs. So they have money to put in the "plate".

    The society is out of touch w/reality. Many have things provided and paid for and don't worry (though that's changing) about budgets.

  • Borgia

    Perhaps, they will announce a nw provision for contributions analogous to 3 John. In order to become fellow workers in the truth, as the NWT has it, they have the opportunity to shuff a new arrangement down the throat.

    Perhaps a fee per congregation. Every region with a publishing branch will have to come up with a certain amount of money. This amount is divided between the number of publishers assigned to each cong. And there you´ll have it. A disguised religious tax.


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