Dutch Society did announcement about DC at last meeting

by Ozner 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost
    They stated that the series of DC in 2006 has end in a loss of 75.000 euro. Main reason was the rental of the big video screens

    above the platform and a shortage of donations.

    Surely the only reason was a shortage of donations!

  • hideme

    I heard the anouncement too. Of course it was about the conventions in 2005.
    They did tell why the costs were higher...but they gave no explanation about why less money is coming in...:)

    But now we are warned. I think it's like: If you don't give enough money this year, you will loose your big videoscreens, and DC will be as boring as before...

    I also heard, Dutch Branch of the Borg has to ask Headquarters every single year, if they are allowed to hire those videoscreens.

    So maybe if no money comes in, headquarters will not give their approval for next year...

  • Borgia

    Tough luck for the Dutch dubs. If its 2005, well that would make sense, but the thing is, some people at the branch want those screens very much.

    The DD´s were so much in a state of enthousiasm that they forgot to drop a few coins in the box.45.000 attendees to a loss of 75000 is how much? the price of half a flute of beer in town? (Or will the free coffee and tea that is still being served, become the thing that will put the WT into receivership......?)

    Another fine example of the immense appreciation the DD´s have for the fine spiritual enriching provisions of the slaveclass.



  • core

    ...they may have ended with a loss.....but did they follow the time honoured practise of (unknown to the rank and file) making a donation to the branch office? Happens at every Circuit Assembly I know of....sent out money to HQ and ask for brothers to cover the "shortfall" which only exists because of the "donation"....in effect a form of taxation on brothers and congs

  • IvyWalker

    Big video screens in the DC?

    I am puzzled. Are there also such screens in the US?

    This year I will attend the DC on Sunday (23rd July) accompanied by friends from the ex-jw-forum and I hope the German DC will also have big video screen.

    But in what other countries do they also use these screens? I am curious.

    Ivy Walker

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