Describe your Spirituality after Leaving JW's please

by esw1966 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • esw1966

    What has been your attitude toward religion after leaving Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Did you search for religious truth? Scoff at religion?

    Please describe for me your spiritual journey and it's importance to you after leaving.


  • Robdar

    Since I've left the JWs, I've searched for the truth everywhere. I've checked out Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Eckinkar, new age, various Protestant movements, Catholics, Episcopalians, Greek Orthodox. None of them have the truth.

    It finally occured to me that most people are searching outside themselves for God. IMO, God can only be found within. Nowadays, I worship at St Mattress--Our Lady of Sealy Posturpedic. I feel like I've found true salvation.

  • Robdar

    BTW, Welcome to JWD.


  • looking_glass
    I've searched for the truth everywhere. I've checked out Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Eckinkar, new age, various Protestant movements, Catholics, Episcopalians, Greek Orthodox. None of them have the truth.

    I also did what Robdar did except the "Eckinkar" thing. And I reached the same conclusions. I am of my own belief systems which is made up of all kinds of other beliefs. I find that most Christians are judgmental and self righteous humans and I refuse to participate in that way of thinking. Religion is as imperfect as the people who practice it. All we can do is our imperfect best and hope for a good outcome.

  • poppers

    Robdar, you are on the right track. Look within. Beliefs only hide truth. Doesn't matter what the belief is it will at best hide it or distort it out of all recognition.

  • parakeet

    ***What has been your attitude toward religion after leaving Jehovah's Witnesses?***
    Religion has become an interesting hobby for me to read about. I enjoy ferreting out their truths and their absurdities.

    ***Did you search for religious truth? Scoff at religion?***
    I knew after leaving the WTS that most religious "truth" is invented by men with their own agendas. I don't scoff at religion because it causes too much damage to people to be taken lightly.

    ***Please describe for me your spiritual journey and it's importance to you after leaving.***
    My current spiritual home is an amalgam I call the church of parakeet. It consists of some tenets of taoism, zen buddhism, native american belief, and neo-paganism. It has no set doctrine and is always in a state of flux. It's important to me because it enables me to enjoy my life to the fullest.

    You're welcome.

  • lonelysheep

    Welcome to JWD!

    I had enough of various religions before joining up w/jw's. I scoff at all religion! I am 100% athiest.

  • wanderlustguy

    Same as most above, I have come to believe/realize that to narrow the source of all life down to something with human characteristics and assigning even a personality like the ones in the bible, koran, etc is to take away from the true beauty of life.

    The first step I believe is to realize "we" don't know anything except what we can actually see and experience, and even that is subject to delusions, etc, but that doesn't make it less real for the individual person.

    He who says he knows...doesn't know.


  • Kudra

    I would say I am an atheist but there is no way to prove conclusively that there is NO god...
    So I guess I am a reluctant agnostic.
    If I had to categorize my beliefs -I would call them secular humanist. I believe also that it is important to have a sense of wonder for the universe but that understanding it in a scientific manner does not preclude getting deep feelings of awe from it. I don't really know if I would call myself spiritual, though. In my mind I attach a semi-negative connotation to the word "spiritual" but not because of the JWs.
    Thanks to posters that ask questions like these.

  • mouthy

    Welcome to JWD...When I was kicked out.... I was "dead" inside... Then I got into the Coonyites...
    They also are the only truth.... I went to the Lutheran,Baptist, Salvation Army, New Reformed Church. United... Pentecostal... & a few others I cant remember I came to the conclusion. There is some good in some of them, But I really dont think anyone has the REAL truth.. We know in part... I believe there is a Creator... When I look at all that the Creator made. I would be silly, I think to say it just came!!!! So I decided I dont like RELIGION!!!! I was going to have a relationship. So I invited The Creator into my life. We are friends, I talk to him A LOT!!! I have never been so happy as I am now . Even though I have lost 3 kids, & my hubby, I am alone... But I truly do believe HE is with me ( The Holy Spirit)

    Ducking from the stoning I will recieve on my answer...

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