The Bible. Despite many reasons to dismiss it why do so many believe?

by nicolaou 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nicolaou

    A man cannot walk on water, truly dead people do not come back to life and 1 + 1 will never equal 3. These are just a few of the absurd impossibilities that one must swallow and accept in order to 'believe' the Bible.

    Why does the belief that the Bible is 'truth' persist?

    Men cannot survive a fiery furnace unscathed, the sun cannot stand still in the sky and donkeys cannot speak Hebrew. Unless you believe the Bible.

    Do you? If so, why?

  • Warlock

    One word, Nico: the FAITH that these things COULD have happened.


  • nicolaou

    But no - they couldn't have. Not ever!

  • Warlock

    How do you know.............for sure.


  • DanTheMan

    I was out to dinner with me Catholic mum last night, and she asked me if I had read The Da Vinci Code. I told her that I had, and that I enjoyed it very much. She said that she has considered reading it, but that she just doesn't like it when "people take liberties with Jesus".

    She fell in love (in the filial sense) with her devout Catholic grandma when she was just a young-un, and granny was the only safe haven for her in an otherwise alchoholism-filled, dysfunctional-beyond-belief household where the adults drank and fought and screamed and cursed each other with the most vicious words they could string together, night after night. So, I'll give her some slack, though sometimes I do get annoyed with her preaching to me.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    The Bible contains many principles that it makes sense to follow, even nowadays. I don't personally believe everything in it, but I do try to live by some of those principles. As for believing that the sun stood still, the Israelites were able to cross a river on dry land etc, Warlock has it right, you have to have faith in the infallibility of scripture to believe those things. I don't have that faith any more, but many do.

  • Satanus

    I believed it for several yrs after exiting the wt. I guess it was because the standard arguements seemed to make sense. Also, bible based life was all that i knew.


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    nic I guess some of us really don't have a choice!

    A man cannot walk on water, truly dead people do not come back to life and 1 + 1 will never equal 3. These are just a few of the absurd impossibilities that one must swallow and accept in order to 'believe' the Bible.

    Why does the belief that the Bible is 'truth' persist?

    Men cannot survive a fiery furnace unscathed, the sun cannot stand still in the sky and donkeys cannot speak Hebrew. Unless you believe the Bible.

    Some could say the same for abiogenesis (life from nonlife) or something from nothing. But people believe in this stuff today, as well. D Dog

  • Warlock

    By the way, Nico, you may think donkeys do not speak Hebrew, but I knew a couple of jackasses that spoke english.

    Just to lighten things up a bit, before the weekend.

    Warlock (the wise-acre)

  • nicolaou

    Would faith mean that the miracles and supernatural events recorded in the holy writings of Islam, Hinduism, Kabbala and other religions could also be believed - or does faith only work in the direction you want it to work in?

    Could the world really be supported on the backs of four elephants? Would having enough faith make it so?

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