What's missing from this forum is ....

by Spectrum 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Narkissos

    Asymmetry is natural here imo, and not only because JW apologists are braindead few and far between.

    On one side there is one organisation, one doctrine, one history, which must stand or fall as one. On the other side a very broad spectrum of experiences and opinions which need no more consistency than the real world does.

    Only very artificially, or in minute details, could a debate about whether the WT is right or wrong be given a semblance of balance, because this is not a serious question to most of us anymore. We could "pretend" as in (anti-)TMS demonstrations, but I suspect it would not be fun very long. What we are really interested in is the interaction of our present perspectives, and this actually situates most discussions (on biblical, theological, philosophical, scientifical or practical topics) far away from JW-land.

    Are we thus missing the purpose of this board? I don't think so, because this is real and it is the most healthy and mind-opening thing for JW lurkers to see. Many JW questions need to be questioned rather than answered, and this board is most effective in doing so.

  • LittleToe


    An actual debate is balanced. It has a pre-selected topic or range of points to cover.

    Words or terms are defined and agreed upon.

    I find here on JWD an enormous amount of time wasted in discussions because people don't agree ahead of time what their terms will mean.

    When people are coming to terms with thoughts and feelings associated with leaving a cult, and are exposed to so much new information, is it any wonder that their heads are a scrambled mess?

    Debating skills take time to aquire, as the version we were taught by the WTS was a bit of role-play with a sense of smug superiority, and that doesn't wash in the real world. I only think that folks here have got on really well, all things considered.

    I agree that we could do better, though

  • Dansk
    Every once in a while, a naive JW will wander in, but they're quickly handed their heads and leave.

    Or they stay because they realise we are right!


  • Abaddon

    As has been pointed out, the fact that some opinions aren't worth shit and therefore cannot be presented convincingly as a counter argument is NOT the problem of those with an opinion that is arguably worth a damn.

    Why should I be sorry that a JW can't make a decent counter argument against Organsiational behaviour with regard to Malawi and Mexico, or the NGO stuff, or doctrinal revisions?

    It would be nice if there WERE such things as convincing defenders of the possibility of rocking horse crap. And some think they are. But that doesn't mean a balanced debate is possible with people whose belief structure is faith-based as distinct from acceptence-of-evidence-based.

    I know I am right because my talking Coca-Cola can says so, you're just unlucky you can't hear it...

  • Caedes
    I know I am right because my talking Coca-Cola can says so, you're just unlucky you can't hear it...

    Very good, mind if I borrow it?

  • slimboyfat

    Well Fred Franz got inspiration from speaking to his shoes, I suppose...

  • LittleToe

    Of course! They were brown!

  • jstalin

    I don't think a serious debate can be had on JW issues. The JWs are so amateurish in their theology that once they come up against logic, they inevitably fail.

  • LittleToe

    I have to add that while I've had exhausting rather than exhaustive experience of this; the JW responses are so "stock" they are boring (most often straight out of the Reasoning book), and playing devil's advocate screws with your own head, taking you back to a place that you'd rather forget.

    Neither are particularly satisfying. Much better is to enjoy each day as it comes and hope that something eventually clicks, IMHO.

  • peacefulpete
    What's missing from this forum is ....

    A working search function. An incredible amount of valuable information is lost, not to mention the wasted server space.

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