I'm sinking into depression and I can't seem to shake it

by Nellie 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nellie

    Yesterday was my birthday - Sunday is Father's Day. We went out to dinner (my first celebration in over 30 years), my husband gave me a beautiful gift, my kids were great, my sister (who's baptized, but on shaky ground herself) sent me flowers and joined us . . .

    I'm filled with sadness for all the missed years . . . the years I should've sent my father a gift when he was alive, the years I should've celebrated with my mother and my own kids. I'm also filled with the sadness of losing my best friends, even though I have new friends - they don't understand what being in the org really means, and how it influenced the person I am today.

    My new girlfriends are taking me out to celebrate next week - I hope I can shake this funk before then. I think I'm going to go have a good cry - maybe that will release some of this sadness . . .

  • jgnat

    When feelings don't match the occassion, I suspect the problem is biological. Go get checked out by a doctor.

  • Nellie

    Funny j - i neglected to mention the fact that i'm in the middle of some serious gynecological issues - (yes, hormonal) - I'm going back to the doctor in the morning. Maybe you're right. I hope to God you're right and this will pass once they get this regulated.

  • Swan

    Yes, getting it checked out by the doctor is a very good thing. But also knowing that you are not alone and a lot of other people go through a period of grief too. It becomes a serious depression for many of us. Meds and counseling are the only thing that have helped me.

    So you aren't alone. Tell your doctor tomorrow and hang in there. It does get better with time.


  • luna2

    Messed up hormones really can do a number on you, Nellie. Hopefully the doc will have some suggestions or treatments for you.

    Belated Happy Birthday wishes. Hope you feel somewhat better when the girls take you out to celebrate!

  • gumby
    I'm filled with sadness for all the missed years . . . the years I should've sent my father a gift when he was alive, the years I should've celebrated with my mother and my own kids. I'm also filled with the sadness of losing my best friends, even though I have new friends

    I guess I ain't a good comforter. I was gonna say you feel bad as we all do from what you just said. I too need to call my mom more, send her flowers...etc. ...she's 81

    I miss my old friends too. Here i figured this was the answer and all along it's yer damn hormones.....I give up!


  • luna2

    Aw, gumby, I'm sure its not just hormones. But the hormonal junk makes the other sadness even harder to deal with.

    You're right about calling the parents more and missing old friends.

  • misspeaches

    Oh poor baby big hugs for ((((Nellie))))

    I still have moments where I almost mourn the loss of my JW friends. Despite having many new friends. Its the years of friendships and experiences etc that I grieve over.

    You are not alone.

  • gumby

    Nellie...I was teasing you of course. You made me think however. I'm calling my mom tomarrow and sending her some flowers. I've never sent my mom flowers before. Weird.



  • parakeet

    It's a bad combination--hormones, depression, regrets. The only thing I have to add to the good advice already given is not to expect too much too soon. It will take more than a few days, or a few months, to regain your balance after the trauma you've experienced. Take care of yourself and and learn to forgive yourself.

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