Does anyone else feel like their damaged goods?

by MsMcDucket 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket

    I feel like this all the time. I have a husband that loves me, but I still feel like if I ever were on the singles market that I would not be a "good catch". My health problems and most of all being a former Jehovah's Witness makes me feel less than perfect.

    I'm having a pity party.

  • MsMcDucket

    I needed to add this stupid song lyric: "I gave you the best years of my life trying to be a good mother and a good wife." That's how I feel about the organization.

  • ballistic

    Sorry you're feeling this way at the moment... I guess it will pass. It's difficult to give you advice as I don't really know you fully, but I know I feel most happy and confident when I am striving to better myself or reach for personal goals. As I've been single most of my life, it's important to me to like myself and be confident in my own skin and know that I have the stregnth to control my own destiny...

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I comprehend what you're saying MsMcDucket, but NO! And YOU shouldn't. Look what you DO have.

    I still feel like if I ever were on the singles market that I would not be a "good catch"

    Things that happen to us in life contribute toward the person we are today. What you have experienced over the years (and what you are coping with now) are ASSETS ..........anyway, doesn't look like you WILL be back on the 'singles market' - you've got a loving husband!

  • Dansk
    I have a husband that loves me

    I think you have a lot going for you already!

    I'm sorry to learn that you have health problems but if your husband loves you regardless and is keen to help as much as he can then I think you should count your blessings.

    I don't believe you should feel like you're damaged goods in any way - especially with regards to having been a JW. You're now experienced in cult matters and you won't have the wool pulled over your eyes so easily now. You're also amongst some great friends here!

    It isn't easy being postive when one has health problems. I'm just getting over a serious illness myself after over two years - but the wonderful people here and having family that loves me makes every day worth living. Watchtower is now something I can easily put to the back of my mind, even though we have a daughter who still disowns us. In other words, make the most of every day and remember to always count your blessings. There's always someone a lot worse off and, indeed, they may well need your help (which would keep your mind off your own problems).



  • greendawn

    Look forward, the JWs have nothing good to offer their members despite their claims, no salvation or a true spiritual culture, and those still in continue to waste their life for a manmade organisation. Those that are out have got over that problem of slaving away for cunning men.

  • MsMcDucket

    Thanks for the responses everyone. I'm hanging in there. I must be going through some midlife crisis thing or something.

  • yaddayadda

    The WTS are energy vampires and esteem beaters of the worst kind. It's totally understandable that you may be grappling with feelings of insecurity and unworthiness, even self-loathing at times. Time and love heals all things.

  • luna2


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    Yes I feel like that fairly often too. I try to stay focused on the good bits of my life - such as talents and friends. But it's really not easy, sometimes the effort to stay positive knocks all your energy out of you - maybe that's why you feel as low as you do now.

    That's why I think it's ok to have a good 'pity party' once in a while, you're telling others that you hurt like hell and you need some support - the help, sympathy and empathy of others who respond can carry you through while you take a rest from trying to stay positive when it's so difficult.

    Healing is a long journey ...

    Be good to youself

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